Issue 2015 No. 2 (43)


Archaeological researches of a stone hummock in 2014

Pigarev Yevgeniy M.
14-18   333

This article discusses the history of the study and research materials of the Golden Hord settlement "Stone hill", located on the eastern outskirts of the capital of Jochi Ulus the city of Saray (Saray al-Mahrous, Saray al-Jadid, Selitrennoe). The experts in the field of numismatics suppose that app...
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In gratitude for the zeal for the good of the Fatherland...": Astrakhan merchant of the first Guild of the Persians Рђji Ali Akber Useynov

Imasheva Marina M.
18-24   355

The article, based on archival sources and periodicals describes the business and social activities of two generations Astrakhan first Guild merchants Useynov. Within a few decades of the nineteenth century Useynoves, thanks to successful trading operations in the Caspian Sea, managed to put togethe...
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The grain market development during the new economic policy: problems regulation and kon-competition (on the materials of Volga region)

Vinogradov Sergey V.
24-30   311

At the article author analyzes the problem of competition different economic structures in the 1920s. Rebirth of stratification domestic economy, as a result, of the new economic policy led to the reconstruction of the private capital. The new capitalists - shopkeepers to using the weakness of the s...
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The problems of soviet-japanese relations and its impact on the security of far east in the 30 years of the XX century

Galaktionov Yegor N.
31-36   305

The article deals with the Soviet-Japanese relations in the 1930-s, connected which was a question of fishery, with distribution of quotas and sites of catch are considered determination of the extent of territorial sea in water area of the Tatar Strait, Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan and the impl...
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Some problems in the work of safety in the transition from "war communism" to the new economic policy

Kotelnikov Aleksey S.
36-42   326

The article deals with the difficult period of crisis 1920-1921. It forced the leadership of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (RCP(b)), headed by V.I. Lenin go for a departure from the policy of "war communism". It is an immature attempt to "frontal attack" on the age-old way of economic lif...
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The phenomenon of the hero and the heroic in historical perspective - from ancient to the present day

Aliev Rastyam T.
42-49   546

The hero and the heroic are the most important elements of culture, which reflects the socio-cultural reflection of society in the period in which they are relevant. This article analyzes the genesis of this phenomenon in historical retrospective and gives a description of the hero and the heroic in...
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The history of interaction between government and civil society on the internet

Obidin Nikita A.
49-52   306

The reason for writing this article is to mention a significant increase in events from the Internet when covering politics in the traditional media. For example, when light of recent Political Science developments in Ukraine, often referred to public records in Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte, hack...
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The state ideology of Russia: past, present and future

Publication retracted: 2021-05-25

Moshchelkov Yevgeniy N.
53-60   463

Search national ideology is always accompanied by heated debate among both the Political Science and the scientific community. In this article we are talking about the historical forms of state ideology in Russia and modern concepts. Particular attention is paid to the search for the state ideology ...
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Astrakhan as one of the research centers of the South of Russia and the Caspian region. Results and prospects of the development and strengthening of the scientific community

Usmanov Rafik Kh.
60-73   307

The paper examines the current geoPolitical Science processes in the regions of Russia and foreign countries in the period of global changes. Analyzes the events, the state of society and the influence of science on socio-economic development of the South of Russia. Author on the basis of quantitati...
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Electoral court as a specific kind of authority

Grishin Nikolay V.
74-81   350

The paper provides an analysis of the electoral courts as specific regulatory agencies in the electoral process. A paper advances the definition of the electoral court. It is provided a historical overview of the emergence and spread of the institute of electoral courts in different countries of the...
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Fuel and energy factor in modern Democracatic process

Yakovlev Maksim V.
82-87   383

Current approaches to the role of oil and gas in the democratic process are analyzed in the article due to the growing interest in fuel and energy factor in politics. Among these are two main approaches: petrodollar and Political Science and hydrocarbon. Researchers of the first approach conclude th...
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The collapse of the idea of promoting the preservation of capitalism as the only option for Political Science and economic development of mankind

Makeev Oleg Yu.
87-90   311

The article is an attempt to understand the underlying reasons for the imposition of capitalism with pronounced Imperial features (in the American sense of global economic and Political Science influence) as no option of politico-economic development of humanity. According to the author, in the impl...
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Key sources on "massacre in baturin": problem of reliability

Stavitskiy Andrey V.
90-98   329

This article analyzes the historical sources on the so-called "Baturin massacre." According to Ukrainian historiography, November 2, 1708 "flying squad" under the command of Prince Alexander Menshikov seized and destroyed the residence of Hetman Ivan Mazepa Baturin Fortress. In this case, A.D. Mensh...
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Political Science identity of Novorossia: status and construction’ resources

Baranov Andrey V.
98-106   319

The article identifies manifestations of public opinion in Ukraine expressing escalation of conflict between national, regional and ethnic identities in the conditions of state fragmentation. Attention is paid to the long-term factors of regional fragmentation of Ukraine. Analyzes the growth of the ...
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The modern Political Science processes in Bulgaria: Sofia between the West and Russia

Umanskaya Luiza A.
107-111   368

After 1991 all countries of the former socialist camp chose the western vector of development, having curtailed the project of the Eastern Partnership. They counted weak Russia as a source of all the socio-Political Science troubles, and hurried to renounce from it. However, the allied relations wit...
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Telediplomacy: essence, the mechanism resources

Larionov Yevgeniy A.
112-118   334

Contemporary telediplomacy has become not only an integral part of the current Political Science process but also a tool that largely guides and regulates these processes. As global media networks are full-fledged actors of the world politics, telediplomacy plays a number of roles. The present paper...
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Geostrategy and modern foreign policy of the Islamic Republic Iran

Novoselov Sergey V.
118-124   367

The article says that the Islamic Republic Iran is located in a geoPolitical Sciencely sensitive region, simultaneously both middle Eastern, Caucasian, and Central Asian and Caspian country. All the pain points of the region, one way or another, are associated with Iran. Everything seems to be purel...
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Instrumentalization of the religious organizations in the context of globalization of the international relations

Potapov Vyacheslav A.
124-128   401

In the present article, the author considers a role of religious institutes, which are institutionalized generally in the form of the international non-governmental organizations of a religious orientation in globalization conditions of the modern international relations. The role of the religious o...
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Role of mass media in formation and positioning of image of the North Caucasus

Adzhiev Islam Рђ.
128-133   296

In article the attention to the main reasons for a gain of mass media of an important place in Political Science life of modern society, their opportunity to model the relations with the public in respect of formation and positioning of image of the region by means of special means and methods is pa...
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Corrupt practices of the Russian officials in the 1990 (historical and Political Science analysis)

Vlasenko Maksim A.
133-140   334

The issue of corruption is one of the central problems for the modern social sciences. In its development involved both the law and the sociology, Political Science and historical science. Particular attention is paid to the corruption among the bureaucracy and the Political Science elite. It is gen...
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Foreign policy priorities of Azerbaijan: integration into the world community

Gamidov Sanan Salekh ogly
140-147   301

GeoPolitical Science position of Azerbaijan long since drew to it attention of near and far actors. Without going deep into history of Persian-ottoman or Russian-British rivalry for influence and domination, it is possible to tell, as today Azerbaijan is in focus of close international attention. In...
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Political Science factors of overthrow of M. Gaddafi’s regime and the formation of the postwar Political Science system of Libya

Altawel Faris Ali
147-154   308

Established domestic and foreign factors of destabilization and the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime in Libya (2011). The main reasons Political Science crises in Libya were not so much internal problems, but foreign interference and intervention. Provocative role played by social discontent....
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The historical development of the electoral system in the United States of America

Dzhepparov Alim M.
154-159   408

The article tells about principles of representative democracy in the United States of America, evolution and modern condition of electoral system asfundamental mechanism of representation in the USA. Special aspects of citizens’ electoral rights realization in the United States have been found ou...
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Kazakhstan multivector energy policy and its importance for Russia

Mamedov Intigam Bayram ogly
160-165   329

The article analyzes Kazakhstan foreign policy in raw sector with regional and global actors. The attention is focused on its multivector character and importance for Russia. The author considers the Kazakhstan-China and Kazakhstan-West relations through a prism of the Russian-Kazakhstan cooperation...
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Expansion of the problem and thematic niches of information maintenance of modernization the Political Science system of the Russian Federation

Abramyan Vladimir R.
165-170   335

Modernization of Political Science system of the Russian Federation has both the direct, and mediated consequences. Increase of a role of mass media not only in display, but also in deepening of transformations is distinguished from the last. It is obvious that without multiplication of the results ...
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Models and forms of cross-border cooperation

Litvishko Olga M.
171-178   330

In the modern situation of fragmentation of foreign policy due to the processes of globalization and regionalism new actors appear in international relations - they are sub-national actors, i.e. inner national regions and cross-border regions. Taking into consideration the importance of integration ...
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The image of “the alien” in the modern Political Science mythology

Frolova Yuliya S., Amirkhanyan Anait M.
178-185   304

Modern Political Science mythology offers a choice of a very wide range of topics and issues that are working on the positive image of power, making it more attractive. The image of an “alien” or a “foreign” as one of mythological images is often used in a manipulative way and is indued with...
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Modernizations of economy of Belarus: innovative providing

Rusak Yelena S., Voronin Sergey M.
186-191   330

In article it is considered major factors of innovative ensuring modernization of economy of Belarus. The analysis of a condition of science, education, innovative activity of the industrial enterprises and innovative infrastructure is carried out....
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Рђnalysis and ways of increase of efficiency of the financial and budgetary sphere of municipality

Khutova Lyudmila A., Shardan Saida K., Akbaev Renat A.
192-198   326

The key role in achievement and maintenance of a sustainable development of the country belongs to municipalities which are created and function for the solution of the questions of life support connected by a community of accommodation of citizens and represent the territorial and Political Science...
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Problems of a sustainable development of municipalities and ways of its providing at the present stage

Gogusheva Tauzhan M., Akbasheva Diana M., Рђdzhieva Ayzhat A.
198-202   345

Lack of uniform nation-wide approach in questions of management social and economic systems of municipalities of the country creates conditions of multidirectional development of concrete territorial units. Backwardness of the control system providing steady developments of social and economic munic...
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Publication retracted: 2019-11-02

Gogusheva Tauzhan M., Khutova Lyudmila A., Akbasheva Diana M.
202-206   427

In article the attention is paid that the solution of the social tasks connected with satisfaction the basic vital needs of the population assigned to local government demands the necessary level of its financial and economic providing. It is about existence at the municipalities corresponding to th...
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Political Science and economic influence of China on post-soviet Central Asia

Kumukov Albert M.
206-211   319

The article reviews the Chinese Political Science and economic projects in Central Asia. China’s expanding sphere of influence in the region and extent of the penetration are also analyzed. Various instruments and methods used by China in the achievement of its foreign policy goals in Central Asia...
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Economic analysis of the irrigation projects and cash flows modeling of the irrigation system development project

Akopyan Tigran V.
211-219   296

It has been substantiated in the article that the assessment of the programs and projects on the regional irrigation systems development should be based on the economic analysis, which will allow to judge either the investment project will positively contribute to the economic growth and the economi...
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В«Efficient contractsВ», built on principe loyalty, engagement and job satisfaction

Mineva Oksana K., Kochetkova Natalya N., Khramova Tatyana M.
219-222   299

Increase employee efficiency has always been a major management challenge for an effective manager. In the Russian Federation today, one of the tools of reforming the national system of performance management acts В«effective contractВ». Narrows the understanding of the instrument as a refinement of...
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Management development from the traditional system of management to self-learning and self-governing bodies

Akmaeva Raisyan I., Lunev Aleksandr P., Mineva Oksana K.
223-230   331

The article critically explores the genesis of management - progressively successive stages in the evolution of scientific thought on good governance; identify trends and the basic ideas of good governance, which can be taken up by modern management; It substantiates that any concept of management a...
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Virtual enterprise culture

Berezhnov Gennadiy V.
230-236   290

Virtual culture is those informal cultures. It is characterized mainly by the horizontal direction communication between employees, to manage and control can be interchanged, and the strategy is not strictly linked to the long-term. Virtual culture is revealed in the new organizational forms of busi...
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The practical solution of the problems of the state audit expenses of the secondary vocational education

Samarets Tatyana V., Usacheva Lyubov V.
237-242   282

The article views approving state control mechanisms of exercise government financing in the system of secondary professional education in Astrakhan region. In the financial and economic crisis conditions the role of public audit in the control system of budget organization is enhanced budgetary org...
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Staff motivation: measurement

Khodenkova Olga P.
242-245   289

There are many requirement of motivational theories about how motivation and how to motivate staff. This article provides a general view of the leading experts on the question of measurability of motivation and the role of the method of "carrot" and "stick" in staff motivation....
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Kashirskaya Lyudmila V., Arykbaev Ravil K.
245-255   353

In article questions of implementation of the state financial control are considered. The conclusion is drawn that in the developed system of financial control a number of the directions needing essential changes accurately is allocated namely: development of forms not only subsequent, but also prev...
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Peculiarities of effective organizational change management

Arutyunyan Svetlana A., Belik Yelena A., Kryukova Yekaterina V.
256-263   308

The authors of this article make a conclusion having analyzed the concepts of organizational changes and their management that it is necessary to provide organizational changes in modern companies to improve their competitiveness. To increase the efficiency of these changes the authors justify the s...
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The impact of government regulation on the market position of the company (in case of LTD "LUKOIL-TTC" Astrakhan branch)

AkhunzhanРѕva Inna N., Vashetckaya-Mustafaeva Yuliya I., Mordasova Tatyana A.
263-269   322

In this article the urgency of the need for analysis of the impact of environmental factors, in particular measures of state regulation on the activities of companies in the fuel and energy complex, was substantiated, matrix method was used to perform the studies assessing the impact of environmenta...
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Assessment of market potential of the innovative integrated associations in agriculture on the example of the Astrakhan region

Matsuy Yelena A., Smirnova Diana Sh.
269-275   321

Research of the problems of development integrated association in agriculture. The analysis of opportunities of use of innovations in agricultural production. Assessment of market potential of production of agriculture. The innovative integration project "Clever Village" is offered. The structure of...
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History of Philosophy

Culture of argumentation in post-cultural context

Alekseev Aleksandr P.
276-282   299

The state of post-culture is an effect of intensive culturing of human mind by a lot of agents promoting diversity of values that are not compatible with each other. Ideology of marketplace has been extended to different sectors of society (including science), growth of manipulative technologies bri...
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Eurasian idea and challenges globalizing world

Badmaev Valeriy N.
282-287   300

The objective processes of globalization leads to increased interdependence among nations and improve the interaction between cultures and civilizations. Changes in the global arena returned to active turnover classic categories of international relations among which a special place is occupied by t...
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On the formation of state ideology in modern Russia

Tikhonova Svetlana V.
287-291   343

In today’s rapidly changing world, Russia is attaching great significance to the Political Science ideology uniting people around a basic value system. The paper addresses the transformation, development and evolution prospects of the contemporary Political Science ideology in Russia in the contex...
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World religions and philosophies and ethical preconditions for the development of a modern economy

Ulanov Mergen S.
292-299   296

The article investigates the philosophical and ethical foundations of modern economic development, on the example of the major religions of the world. The recent global financial crisis had not so much economic as spiritual and moral reasons, being largely a crisis of ethical values. In this regard,...
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Socio-philosophical background of the institutionalization of public relations in the early twentieth century

Verezgova Irina V.
299-304   328

The article is devoted to the analysis of the conditions of institutionalization of public relations in the early twentieth century. There have been changes in the social sphere of society, caused by maxrecursion and led to the necessity of professional isolation efforts to achieve social cohesion. ...
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Problems of linguistics and speechology on the pages of the scientific journal “Humanitarian studies” (the period from 2010 to 2015)

Chistyakova Irina Yu.
304-310   300

This publication presents review scientific published in the scientific journal “Humanitarian studies” in the period from 2010 to 2015 on of linguistics and speechology. The focus is on the study of genres of Russian literature - of small talk, essay, interviews, etc., strategy and tactics of sp...
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Subaltern Groups as a new vector development of New Age ideas

Gorlova Yekaterina V.
310-315   339

The article is devoted to studying of the New age movement from a position of subaltern groups. We explain the origins of the term В«subalternВ» and its development within the framework of scientific discourse. We examine in detail two subaltern groups : Native Americans and feminist ideas. They had...
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Moral imperatives as spiritual basis of personality

Ramazanova Saida R.
315-320   335

The article attempts to the philosophical comprehension of moral imperatives of personality. The subject is modern and important. The theme is undoubtedly actual in theory. This article is a timely issue today because in the twentieth century, humanity has survived many terrible events: the bloody w...
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Regional pecularities of modern migration processes in the astrakhan region

Mironova Yuliya G.
321-327   337

The article analyzes the regional features of migration processes in the Astrakhan region. The study of migration processes and the ability to control, understanding changes occurring in them, at the regional level, are of great scientific theoretical and practical significance. The aim of the study...
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The interconnection of the poverty and the resentment phenomenon in the society

Frolova Yuliya S., Lebedeva Irena V.
327-333   236

Political Science and economic changes in Russia in the late XX. - early XXI. century were so significant that completely changed the social structure of the country. Against this background there was a sharp aggravation of social and property differentiation in society. This article deals with the ...
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Educational technologies in the prevention of extremism and the formation of a tolerant consciousness of youth

Zubova Oksana G.
334-337   257

The article describes the prevention of youth extremism through educational technology, when a culture of dialogue, tolerance towards ethnic, national, racial, confessional differences, to perception of the culture and customs of the countries and peoples. This allows not only to diagnose and to stu...
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Leisure activities of russian youth in conditions of modern city

Plotichkina Natalya V., Belyatskaya Alica Ya.
338-343   404

Tendencies in change of the content and structure of leisure activity of Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don youth are revealed in the article. The authors characterize youth’ leisure activities, basing on the main principals of the concept practices in the sociology of youth’ daily life, structural-fun...
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Russian childfree woman or the problem of value points shift

Bicharova Mariya M., Gorlova Yekaterina V.
343-350   258

The article is devoted to investigation the features of image of modern Russian woman, voluntary refused from childbearing. In spite the important part of woman-mother which she plays in the process of formation of national self-consciousness and main forms of Russian cultural identification, the tr...
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N. Gogol and L. Andreev: big problems of the little man

Tikhomirov Danil S.
351-358   236

The article is devoted to functioning principles of The Little Man’s character from N. Gogol’s and L. Andreev’s poetics. The author tries to found how both writers use this character with realistic method. The author accents difference between a literature type and a typical case in connection...
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Virtualization body as a social and cultural factor problem of "foreign"

Gogoladze Liya M.
358-362   250

In this article we investigate the visualization of body as a sociocultural phenomenon problem of "foreign". Trends of modern globalization affected the actualization of this problem in the virtual space. The author's contribution is to extend smyslosfery in the formation of a virtual image of a str...
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Heterotopic images of the frontier woman in Chinese cinema

Xu Yujie, Yakushenkova Olesya S.
363-367   256

The article analyzes the process of forming particular patterns of frontier heroines in Chinese cinema. The whole history of China is the process of collision with other Nations and tribes. In recent years, Chinese filmmakers are increasingly turning to the picture of frontier subjects. These areas ...
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State leadership-elite is modern ros-sian political governance regional as a factor of national security of the state

Ponedelkov Aleksandr V., Vorontsov Sergey A., Usmanov Rafik Kh.
368-375   230

Authors based on case studies and analysis of the socio-Political Science processes of the modern period in the southern regions of Russia considering the state of development of civil society and the factors affecting the security of the state. The article examines the process of formation and comp...
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Scientific elite of the Russian Empire sunset era

Karabushenko Pavel L., Vartumyan Arushan Рђ.
375-382   243

The greatness of any empire is made up of a number of structural factors, among which a special place occupies the quality of science and education. This factor with all its evidence is seen in the scientific elite and in its relations with the authorities. Each empire has its experience of the rela...
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Journalistic elite of Germany and the problems of national thinking sovereignty

Lebedeva Irena V.
382-386   261

During the First Cold War, the West often accused the Soviet Union that the Soviet journalists are completely ideologized and fully serve the ideology of the Communist Party. In contrast, they gave the example of the Western media - a sample of genuine freedom of speech, honesty and venality. A quar...
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Caviar in the frontier of great culture

BaevР° Lyudmila V.
387-396   250

The role of caviar in the world culture is unique in many ways: it has become a symbol of quality of life, luxury and success, on the one hand, on the other hand, it appears brand multicultural region of Lower Volga - the Caspian, the delta of the great Russian river Volga. The history of relations ...
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The development dynamics of post-modernist tendencies in culture of Russia

Khlyscheva Yelena V.
396-400   234

The postmodern in Russia is generated by collisions of post-totalitarian development of domestic culture and can be designated as archaic, east, peripheral. It was formed in the absence of full circulation of ideas and art experience that caused its context critical and crisis, drama characteristics...
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Astrakhan Khlyst community of the late XIX - the early XX centuries

Kanateva Natalya S.
400-406   219

Khlustovshina is considered one of the most popular sects of Russia of the XIX century , being, at the same time, one of the most mysterious. In the south of Russia, in the Astrakhan province, in the late XIX - early XX centuries there were also Khlyst community, which were permanent job missionarie...
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Ethnic culture and civil identity becoming

Dibraev Afsaladdin D.
406-410   335

The problem of becoming of common and civil identity in Dagestan is considered in the given paper. The author determines two interpretations of ethic people and nation - constructivism and primordialism, preferring primordialistic conception. The conformity of ethic culture of the given conception i...
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Wine culture in chinese fine arts

Song Jie, Lebedeva Irena V.
410-415   259

In the works of Chinese painters and calligraphers the image of wine is one of invariable characteristics of two gradually developing directions of the Chinese art: positivism of official, academic school and intuitionalism of the independent artists who experienced the influence of Taoist ideas. Fo...
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The review of the book “The frontier of Lower Volga: cultural memory and cultural heritage”, 2014, written by the authors Romanova A.P., Hlyscheva E. V., Yakushenkov S. N., Vasilyev D. V., Kusmidinova M. H., Yakushenkova O. S., Topchiev M. S

Gerasimidi Yelena I.
415-417   244

The education guidance “The frontier of Lower Volga: cultural memory and cultural heritage”, written by the authors Romanova A.P., Hlyscheva E. V., Yakushenkov S. N., Vasilyev D. V., Kusmidinova M. H., Yakushenkova O. S., Topchiev M. S., gives the analysis of the ways of preservation of cultural...
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The role of urban defense committees of the lower Volga region in the solving of everyday problems of the population and living during the Great patriotic war (1941-1945)

Krasnozhenova Yelena Ye.
418-427   274

Article is devoted to the work of urban defense committees of the Lower Volga region, aimed at solving problems of the population and living during the Great Patriotic War. The features of the solution of the food problem by introducing rationing, the organization of collective farm trade, the devel...
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