In gratitude for the zeal for the good of the Fatherland...": Astrakhan merchant of the first Guild of the Persians Рђji Ali Akber Useynov

Imasheva Marina M.


The article, based on archival sources and periodicals describes the business and social activities of two generations Astrakhan first Guild merchants Useynov. Within a few decades of the nineteenth century Useynoves, thanks to successful trading operations in the Caspian Sea, managed to put together quite a large state, to acquire a substantial property in Astrakhan, join parvoviridae merchants. But not only commercial success glorified merchants Useynoves. In the second half of XIX - early of XX century aji Ali Akber Useynov was in Astrakhan one of the most prominent philanthropists and community leaders that have earned recognition from the authorities of the Russian Empire. or a long time A.A. Useynov was the recognized head of the Shiite community of the city of Astrakhan. Chairing the Board of Trustees of the Persian mosque, for more than forty years he was a City Councilor, Chairman of the Persian charitable society. Aji Ali Akber Useynov is a true example of service merchant interests of the nation and the Fatherland.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 2 (43)




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