The problems of soviet-japanese relations and its impact on the security of far east in the 30 years of the XX century

Galaktionov Yegor N.


The article deals with the Soviet-Japanese relations in the 1930-s, connected which was a question of fishery, with distribution of quotas and sites of catch are considered determination of the extent of territorial sea in water area of the Tatar Strait, Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan and the implementation of obligations on the previously concluded treaties. The author underlines the interrelation of regularization of Soviet-Japanese conflict with the security problems in the Pacific maritime border of the USSR. Which decision on the one hand led the USSR to policy of concessions (sale of KVZhD, "The Agreement on fishing questions"), and with another, allowed to occupy more tough policy in development of fishing industry in the Far East. These can explain creation in the early thirties in the Soviet government of standing committee for Sakhalin and Kamchatka. In the article there is an analysis of the diplomatic mission activity to resolute the disagreements and the consideration of the International Legal Resolutions concluded with Asia-Pacific countries. The adoption of the Neutrality Pact had a great influence on the course of history. In this plan aspiration of the USA to use instability in the region and to take under the jurisdiction earlier not belonging water areas in the Bering Sea, testify about maintaining the evil policy of the transatlantic neighbor.
