Problems of a sustainable development of municipalities and ways of its providing at the present stage

Gogusheva Tauzhan M., Akbasheva Diana M., Рђdzhieva Ayzhat A.


Lack of uniform nation-wide approach in questions of management social and economic systems of municipalities of the country creates conditions of multidirectional development of concrete territorial units. Backwardness of the control system providing steady developments of social and economic municipal systems is the main reason for current situation. In development of state Political Science system at the present stage the special importance is gained by the reform of local government urged to carry out reorganization of powers of authority and to strengthen positions of institute of local government in Russia. In this regard extremely important part is assigned to development of municipalities as production and territorial units of municipal sector of economy, primary links of territorial structure of economy of the country. The present stage of social development is characterized by unique features: on the one hand, wide scope gets process of globalization of economic processes and the interindustry integration conducting to the economic unions and integration groups controlling huge territories, and with another - each person living in a certain settlement is a part of local community which differs from other communities not only the territory, but also the developed economical communications, structure of the population and way of inclusion of the population in process of public reproduction. In borders of local community joint efforts of the population living in this territory conduct economy for satisfaction of both collective, and personal needs of inhabitants. Each territory is formed and functions according to the administrative-territorial device, and its control is exercised on the basis of the principles of local government. The local government is urged not only to execute the powers established by the legislation in the respective territory, but also to provide sustainable social and economic development of municipalities for increase of competitiveness of the territory, its investment appeal, improvement of quality of life of the population.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 2 (43)




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