Issue 2024 No. 1 (78)

Periodicals in the province in the late 19th – early 20th centuries (based on the materials of the postal and telegraph service of Velikoustyugsky district of Vologda province)

Ovchinnikova Natalia A.
9-18   350

For the first time, the article presents an overview and analysis of periodicals received in Velikoustyug-sky district of Vologda province at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries, which determines its scientific novelty. The purpose of the study is to show the activity of the readership in the provin...
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Ethnic map of the Eastern Caucasus in the 18th – mid 19th centuries and natural and climatic factors

Kidirniyazov Daniyal S.
19-26   504

The relevance of the chosen topic lies not only in identifying the main stages of the history of the formation of the ethnic map of the Eastern Caucasus, but also in the need for a proper understanding and coverage of the problems of the ethnic history of the peoples of the region, as well as for un...
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Executive secretaries of the Astrakhan Regional Committee of the Komsomol (1919–1928)

Okonov Baatr A.
27-34   419

The article covers the process of formation and development of youth organizations of all social categories of the Astrakhan province in the revolutionary and post-revolutionary period. The February Revolution of 1917 stimulated the development of the youth movement in the country, in which school a...
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Soviet paramilitary forces in confrontation with Sychev’s detachment: from the history of the fight against the “green movement” in the North-Western Caspian region at the final stage of the civil war

Timofeeva Elena G., Tyurin Alexey O., Lebedev Sergei V.
35-46   382

At the final stage of the civil war in Russia, the wave of resistance to the new power on the part of society did not subside; it took on different colors, covered different territories, varying the forms and means of struggle. During the period of “transformational changes,” public sentiment fluctu...
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The activity of the 4th air Defense sector in the Stalingrad Strategic Defensive operation

Bolotov Nikolai A., Nasekin Maxim A.
47-55   375

The relevance of the study is due to the insufficiency of its elaboration, in the presence of a sufficient number of materials and sources on the topic of anti-air defense of Stalingrad during the Great Patriotic War. The purpose of the work is a detailed study of the activities of the 4th air defen...
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The role of the Caspian offshore shipping company “Raidtanker” in oil transportation in the Northern Caspian Sea in the first half of 1942

Belyavtsev Sergey V.
56-63   410

From the standpoint of today, it seems relevant to study the historical experience of the development of transport communications, since their decisive influence on strengthening the economy and defense power of the country is undeniable. The purpose of the work is, based on archival materials and s...
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The evolution of state policy on the issue of development of the territory of the West Siberian oil and gas province in the 1960s (based on declassified archival documents)

Bodrova Elena V., Kalinov Vyacheslav V.
64-72   496

Based on currently declassified documents of the CPSU Central Committee, stored in the funds of the Russian State Archive of Contemporary History (RGANI), the problem of the existence of various options for the development of the West Siberian oil and gas province in the second half of the 1960s is ...
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Ritual: modern understanding and approaches to design

Koltsov Petr M., Umgaev Semyon A., Nadbitov Mingiyan V.
73-82   377

The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern understanding of the phenomenon of ritual and the construction of ritual practices in the modern world using the example of Russian and regional space. The modern world has caused a transformation of traditional culture and forced it to adapt to...
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Socio-economic processes in Kabardino-Balkaria (2005–2021)

Tetuev Alim I.
83-90   331

The article comprehensively examines the main trends and features of the socio-economic development of Kabardino-Balkaria in 2005–2021. Particular attention is paid to identifying the main factors that led to a decrease in the efficiency of the region's economy. The implementation of the strategy fo...
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Civic Initiatives and Identity Politics: Examples of Krasnodar and Kazan Agglomerations

Kalashnikova Sofia K., Pogodina Mariia Y.
91-103   371

Residents of agglomerations may be considered not only as an unambiguous object of identity politics, but also as a significant participant in this process. Formal and informal institutions of civil society, acting as local actors of public policy, have a significant impact on the formation of terri...
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About what is Russophobia

Kurginova Daria Yu.
104-110   366

The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that during the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, the Russian Federation and its citizens have faced growing russophobic sentiment in the West and within the country. In this regard, the State Duma even discussed the issue of introducing crim...
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Changing the landscape of non-profit organizations as a response to socio-political challenges

Postnikova Olga Yu.
111-120   385

The relevance of the proposed topic is determined by the fact that in the activities of Russian non-profit organizations (NPOs) in the last 10 years there have been serious changes associated with the transformation of the socio-economic and political situation in the country and in the world. There...
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Multicivitas as the meaning of the new global world order: “Valdai Declaration by V. V. Putin” (05.10.2023)

Karabushchenko Pavel L.
121-129   391

There is no singular civilization. The history of mankind is a museum of civilizations in open history. Therefore, we should talk about the plurality of civilizations (multi-civilizationism) and the multiple nature of their interaction. This multiplicity ensured their competition and selection. The ...
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Identity of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization from the perspective of A. Wendt's identity theory

Gu Zekun
130-140   312

Current studies of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are mostly conducted from the perspective of realism or liberalism, emphasizing the influence of traditional geopolitical factors or expanding security cooperation on the issue of economy, trade, energy, etc., leaving other factors in th...
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Transformations of mass manipulation of social and political behavior in modern society

Avdeenko Evgeniia V.
141-147   416

In modern socio-humanitarian discourse there has been accumulated a significant knowledge about the manipulation of consciousness, on the one hand, and social transformations determined by digitalization, on the other. There’re considered features of socio-philosophical development in the postmodern...
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Caspian Macroregion as a special socio-economic space: potential threats to societal security of Russia

Topchiev Mikhail S.
148-155   442

The article is devoted to the study of a complex problem – the socio-economic specifics of the Caspian macroregion as a potential threat to Russia's societal security. The author uses a comprehensive research methodology: socio-philosophical, political-philosophical, socio-economic, societal approac...
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Magical letters of Astrakhan sectarian Judaizers as a sociocultural phenomenon (late 19th – early 20th centuries)

Kanatieva Natalia S., Glazkov Alexander P.
156-165   319

The article examines the examples of sacred epistles, so-called “magic letters”, or messages of representatives of the old Russian sectarianism of Judaizers who had been living in the territory of the Astrakhan province since the 19th century. Magical letters, or “circular”, “saints” ones as well as...
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Idleness as an existential epoch

Kostomarov Artur S.
166-176   301

In the article idleness is understood not as freedom from labor and work, but as a constitutive principle of human existence. The relevance of the study lies in the attempt to explicate the positive ontological meaning of the phenomenon of idleness and to identify the role and significance of idlene...
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Catastrophe of human integrity: apocalyptic approach and the search for new paths to unity and balanced existence

Kon Vyacheslav A.
177-190   339

The relevance of the issue associated with the disintegration of human integrity is confirmed by the analysis of the obtained data on the connection of a person with the world and their Creator. This research is focused on criticizing approaches that lead to the fragmentation of human beings, ideas,...
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History of the formation of the concept of abstract art: philosophical context

Satsukevich Anna I.
191-198   440

The purpose of this article is to study the history of the formation of the concept of abstract art and to identify its characteristic features. The author proceeds from the idea that abstractism is not only a trend in art, but also a form of modern thinking. The practical significance of abstractio...
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The anthropology of consciousness in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky and A. P. Platonov

Kholodnova Ksenia N.
199-208   587

In the article, the author compares the understanding of human consciousness in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky and A. P. Platonov. The main works involved in the study are the novellas by A. P. Platonov “The Pit” and the novel “Chevengur”, as well as the works of F. M. Dostoevsky “The Double” and “No...
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