Multicivitas as the meaning of the new global world order: “Valdai Declaration by V. V. Putin” (05.10.2023)

Karabushchenko Pavel L.



There is no singular civilization. The history of mankind is a museum of civilizations in open history. Therefore, we should talk about the plurality of civilizations (multi-civilizationism) and the multiple nature of their interaction. This multiplicity ensured their competition and selection. The balance of power that emerged between them determined their alignment in the geopolitical arena and significantly influenced the historical destinies of their peoples. At the moment, the world is experiencing another painful change in the vector of development of international relations, when the entire world system is being rebuilt. The previously dominant geopolitical strategies showed their false nature. In practice, they actually turned out to be arbitrariness and provocations of the ruling elites, speculating on imaginary threats that they themselves invent. New world centers are beginning to build their own system of international relations, which causes stiff resistance from the hegemons leaving the world arena. The concept of a plurality of civilizations (multicivitas) is replacing the dominance of one elite (Western) civilization. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Valdai speech of V. V. Putin 2023, in which new initiatives were expressed that had philosophical and ideological values. The quintessence of this speech is the idea of a plurality of equal and self-sufficient civilizations around which the future world order will be built.



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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 1 (78)


Article information




Karabushchenko P. L. Multicivitas as the meaning of the new global world order: “Valdai Declaration by V. V. Putin” (05.10.2023). Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 1 (78), pp. 121–129.Х_2024_1_121.


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