Caspian Macroregion as a special socio-economic space: potential threats to societal security of Russia

Topchiev Mikhail S.



The article is devoted to the study of a complex problem – the socio-economic specifics of the Caspian macroregion as a potential threat to Russia's societal security. The author uses a comprehensive research methodology: socio-philosophical, political-philosophical, socio-economic, societal approaches. The interdisciplinary analysis allowed the author to comprehend the Caspian macroregion as a special socio-economic space, as well as to give a brief description of the situation of each actor country. The author pays great attention to the geopolitical context of the stated problem. Throughout the article, the author has been carrying out the idea that the problems of the Caspian macroregion cannot be considered in a narrow regional aspect. The result of the article is the author's identification of the following specific characteristics of the Caspian macroregion as a special socio-economic space: large reserves of energy resources, geopolitical (logistical) position, dominance of the raw materials sector, socio-economic problems, the influence of socio-cultural factors, as well as the high activity of NATO countries and China in this region. This socio-economic context will also determine the potential of threats to Russia's societal security in the Caspian macroregion. Among these, the author considers the risks of loss of economic advantages in the field of production and transportation of energy resources, the obstacle to Russia's participation in the development of transport and logistics corridors (North – South, West – East), the incitement of social, interethnic conflicts against the background of socio-economic problems, as well as the risks of direct military threats, in the event of increased geopolitical and geo-economic “presence” NATO countries in the Caspian macroregion and related countries.



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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 1 (78)


Article information




Topchiev M. S. Caspian Macroregion as a special socio-economic space: potential threats to societal security of Russia. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 1 (78), pp. 148–155.Х_2024_1_148.


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