Transformations of mass manipulation of social and political behavior in modern society

Avdeenko Evgeniia V.



In modern socio-humanitarian discourse there has been accumulated a significant knowledge about the manipulation of consciousness, on the one hand, and social transformations determined by digitalization, on the other. There’re considered features of socio-philosophical development in the postmodern era. The author of the article aim to explicate the phenomena of the genesis of the manipulation of public consciousness in connection with the change of the technological, economic, social and philosophical paradigm. This article explicates the features of the transmission and internalization of information as characteristics of the mass manipulation of social behavior. It studies the development of technologies of mass manipulation in the context of the dynamics of transformations in the ways of transmitting information. Postmodern and informatization are the determinants of the bifurcation point in the development of the strategy of mass manipulation. Digitization provides quick access to any content. Virtualization dismantles objectivity as a criterion of reality, now information creates truths, and not vice versa. The humanization of modern society creates the prerequisites for the preferred use of “soft power” as opposed to direct coercion. The article also discusses the socio-psychological features of the psyche and thinking of a person, which facilitate the process of immersing him in the content fabric of mass manipulation. As the basis of this process there’s considered the basic need for security, which manifests itself in certain mental phenomena. Methods of individual opposition to mass maniipulations are proposed for consideration.



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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 1 (78)


Article information




Avdeenko E. V. Transformations of mass manipulation of social and political behavior in modern society. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 1 (78), pp. 141–147. 1818510Х_2024_1_141.


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