Catastrophe of human integrity: apocalyptic approach and the search for new paths to unity and balanced existence

Kon Vyacheslav A.



The relevance of the issue associated with the disintegration of human integrity is confirmed by the analysis of the obtained data on the connection of a person with the world and their Creator. This research is focused on criticizing approaches that lead to the fragmentation of human beings, ideas, and territories for scientific study, leading to the loss of unity and truth in the scientific world. The subject of the study in this article is the apocalyptic approach in history and modernity, and its influence on the integrity of the individual and their connection with the world. The goal is to investigate the historical sovereignty of the individual and their culture, as determined by Divinity in relation to traditions and heritage. The study addresses the concept of the “picture of events” as history and its influence on the immortality of its author. The method, viewing the picture as an image that separates the event from the changing world, creating its immortality, uses intertextuality and collage to express the primary action of disclosure. The picture consists of fragments reflecting the individual, nations, and cultural worldviews. The originality of the study draws attention to the fact that individual nations offering restrained concepts for the individual allow them to coexist with other forms for a relatively long time, unlike global civilizations subject to destruction under the weight of their own dominance. As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn about the development of the global perception of the dominant Man in the history of progressive directions, which had a colonizing and destructively tragic character. Hence, the aim is the need to develop more balanced concepts, considering diminished concepts of existence proposed by smaller cultures. Thus, this article contributes to understanding the problem of the catastrophe of human integrity and their connection with the world, as well as proposes a reevaluation of existing concepts and a search for new ways to ensure unified and balanced human existence in the world.



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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 1 (78)


Article information




Kon V. A. Catastrophe of human integrity: apocalyptic approach and the search for new paths to unity and balanced existence. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 1 (78), pp. 177–190.Х_2024_1_177.


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