Our journal is focused on the topical issues of social and humanitarian science. The title of the journal reflects the Eurasian character of the materials published in it. In the 20th century, political and cultural science considered the Caspian Sea region as a crossroad of cultures, civilizations, and policies. For the Western geopolitics, the Caspian Sea region is a symbolic “axis” of Eurasia and there is a certain reason in saying that “one who rules the Caspian Sea, rules the world”. That is why the editorial board thinks that the reflection of the whole diversity of international contexts within the framework of the journal is necessary for a deeper understanding of current processes in the sphere of politics, economy, and culture. However, the priority for the editorial board is to form the platform for discussions on regional issues. The editorial board stands for the promoting of the principle of dialogue between cultures and cultural polyphony. Its work is based on the principles of political pluralism, non-violence philosophy, cultural and religious tolerance. The editorial board aims at the eliminating of language barriers and respecting of the boarders of each folk’s national culture both on the regional and global level.

Current issue 2024 No. 2 (79)

Militarization of outer space in the context of contemporary international relations

Bedaev Aleksandr I.
7-15   331

The purpose of this article is to consider the militarization of outer space as a continuously occurring process from the “first space race” to the present and possible ways to limit international military and political tensions in the field of space exploration. The article pays much attention to m...
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The role of non-state actors in modern hybrid wars

Alaudinov Apty A., Strigunov Konstantin S., Goncharenko Anna R.
16-25   338

The features of the use of non-state actors, which include terrorist organizations, criminal groups, rebels and mercenaries, in modern forms of hybrid wars are discussed by the authors in this article. The purpose of the work is to show the features of the use of non-state actors in modern hybrid wa...
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Inter-Turkic dialogue as a phenomenon of international relations

Drogovoz Alexander I.
26-35   306

The article analyzes the features of inter-Turkic dialogue as a phenomenon in modern international relations. The author considers the concept of inter-Turkic dialogue as a geopolitical project based on the community of Turkic peoples, the largest of which is the state-forming ethnic group of the Tu...
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Identity construction in intercultural interactions

Koriakina Anzhelina A.
36-41   320

This scientific work is devoted to the problem of identity construction in the context of intercultural interactions. Identity is an actual field of study in social philosophy, and interactions between different cultures can significantly influence the formation and redefinition of personal and coll...
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The tradition of the Motherland at the crossroads of time (the case of the 20th century Russia)

Svoboda Natalya F., Vorobeva Olga B.
42-50   407

The work is devoted to the philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of the tradition of the Motherland in the aspect of the change of historical stages of the Russian society of the twentieth century. During the period of intensive search for a way to renew society, analysis of the causes of complex...
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Cultural configurations of modern Russia and the contours of reformed philosophy

Bilalov Mustafa I.
51-57   287

Events of a historical dimension associated with Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine have brought humanity to a peculiar change in the milestones of historical time. The development of strategic approaches to the development of the modern world in conditions of cultural diversity is philo...
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mation of traditional spiritual and moral values of Russian society in the education system: the role of Orthodox gymnasiums

Glazkov Alexander P., Afanasyev Igor A., Afanasyeva Olga M.
58-66   298

Overcoming the spiritual crisis of modern Russian society is possible through the assimilation of traditional spiritual and moral values during the teaching of the younger generation in secondary educational institutions. The success of this work depends on the understanding of the need for these va...
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A. F. Losev’s phenomenology of pure musical being

Bocharkin Dmitry V., Matyushova Maria P.
67-80   288

Phenomenological approach to the study of arts has its own peculiarities, which have formed since the emergence of this direction in philosophy. Phenomenology is interested in music to a greater extent due to its abstract nature; although it does not have a material form like sculpture, painting or ...
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Existential Vertical: U-topic Dimension of Contemporary Human Education

Gulevataya Anastasia N.
81-91   296

The article is devoted to the philosophical reflection of education in anthropo-ontological methodology as a way of being; the value of such a perspective for the contemporary situation in education is actualised. The aim of the article is to identify key concepts to clarify the content of the exist...
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Transformation of aesthetic values in algorithmic aesthetics

Uymina Olga I.
92-101   515

The development of intelligent systems has given prominence to one of the areas of contemporary non-classical aesthetics: algorithmic aesthetics. Mathematical measurements embedded in algorithms try to find the individual characteristics of personal aesthetic values. Algorithms created for specific ...
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The problem of the duality of human nature in the work of F. M. Dostoevsky (on the example of the novel “The Double”)

Kholodnova Ksenia N.
102-112   343

The work of F. M. Dostoevsky has traditionally attracted and continues to attract the attention of thinkers of various kinds. There are a large number of literary-critical, psychoanalytic and, finally, philosophical works devoted to understanding his legacy. In this article, we will focus on the ana...
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Tactile aesthetics in vestigial fashion

Muzalevskaya Yuliya E.
113-123   316

Vestigial fashion, which creates artistic images of a person, is guided by the aesthetic significance of the organization of the costume. However, the suit, as the shell closest to the human body, requires ensuring the comfort of its owner's existence. In this regard, tactile sensations are importan...
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History of the fishing industry of the Volga-Caspian region in modern scientific research (review of the monograph by V. P. Ivanov, V. N. Paltsev and S. V. Shipulin “Fish Resources of the Caspian Sea.” Moscow: VNIRO Publ. House, 2023)

Vinogradov Sergey V.
124-129   348

The article analyzes the monograph by V. P. Ivanova, V. N. Paltseva and S. V. Shipulin “Fish Resources of the Caspian Sea”, published by the publishing house “All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography” in 2023. The authors of the study believe that, despite the presence of numerou...
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In memory of Vladimir Badakhaevich Ubushaev (1937–2024)

Vinogradov Sergey V.
130-131   292