The role of non-state actors in modern hybrid wars

Alaudinov Apty A., Strigunov Konstantin S., Goncharenko Anna R.



The features of the use of non-state actors, which include terrorist organizations, criminal groups, rebels and mercenaries, in modern forms of hybrid wars are discussed by the authors in this article. The purpose of the work is to show the features of the use of non-state actors in modern hybrid wars. To achieve this, two tasks are set. The first task is to show why the main focus is on the use of non-state actors in a number of forms of kinetic hybrid warfare. The second task is to show the use of non-state actors using the example of hybrid wars unleashed against Syria and Libya. The second task is to demonstrate the use of non-state actors using the example of hybrid wars unleashed against Syria and Libya. General scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction are used for the study. In addition to general scientific methods, there are systematic and comparative approaches. The methodological basis of the study is neorealism. It is revealed that in some modern kinetic hybrid wars, emphasis is placed on the use of irregular formations as the main tool for achieving military and political goals. It is shown that the testing of modern forms of kinetic hybrid warfare was carried out in Syria and Libya.


Contribution of the authors

Alaudinov A. A. – scientific management, development of the research concept, substantiation of the purpose of the article, writing the original text. Strigunov K. S. – development of the research concept, processing and analysis of the material, text revision. Goncharenko A. R. – scientific text editing, final conclusions.


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 2 (79)


Article information




Alaudinov A. A., Strigunov K. S., Goncharenko A. R. The role of non-state actors in modern hybrid wars. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 2 (79), pp. 16–25. 1818510Х_2024_2_16.


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