The tradition of the Motherland at the crossroads of time (the case of the 20th century Russia)

Svoboda Natalya F., Vorobeva Olga B.



The work is devoted to the philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of the tradition of the Motherland in the aspect of the change of historical stages of the Russian society of the twentieth century. During the period of intensive search for a way to renew society, analysis of the causes of complex, sometimes dead-end problems of social development, public consciousness is undoubtedly of theoretical and practical interest. The purpose of the article is to study the foundation of the tradition of the Motherland: its value-semantic parameters, the dynamics of its existence in the mass consciousness. Mass consciousness is analyzed through the prism of sociocultural evolution, which allows us to see in a new way the traditional ways of its response to the challenges of the time. This approach provides interesting opportunities for studying the mechanism of mass consciousness, its stereotypes, ideologies, and characteristic requests for the image of the Motherland. The work shows the multidimensional nature of the problematization of the theme of the Motherland in the picture of the world of mass consciousness. The dialectical approach allowed us to reveal the duality of the Homeland model. One side of it is conservative and valuable: preserving itself as a tradition, the image of the Motherland ensures the continuity of culture. On the other hand, the image of the Motherland cannot be preserved unchanged in conditions of a fundamental breakdown of social relations. The logic of the development of the conflict between the tradition of the Motherland and the traditional image of the Motherland is proposed, ways of overcoming it are outlined, and the reasons for changing the traditional image of the Motherland are revealed. The dynamics of mass consciousness is important for the formation of people's identity by the factor of citizenship, taking into account cultural characteristics and traditions.


Contribution of the authors

Svoboda N. F. – formation of the research concept, writing the source text. Vorobeva O. B. – processing of source materials, revision of the text.


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 2 (79)


Article information




Svoboda N. F., Vorobeva O. B. The tradition of the Motherland at the crossroads of time (the case of the 20th century Russia). Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 2 (79), pp. 42–50.Х_2024_2_42.


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