mation of traditional spiritual and moral values of Russian society in the education system: the role of Orthodox gymnasiums

Glazkov Alexander P., Afanasyev Igor A., Afanasyeva Olga M.



Overcoming the spiritual crisis of modern Russian society is possible through the assimilation of traditional spiritual and moral values during the teaching of the younger generation in secondary educational institutions. The success of this work depends on the understanding of the need for these values by the students themselves. The main goal of the study is to give an objective assessment of the potential of the secondary education system for the formation of traditional spiritual and moral values among the younger generation. Teaching and educational work of this gymnasium has an Orthodox component, it is located in Astrakhan, the region with a complex confessional composition. The conducted research is based on the experience of scientific work written by Russian scientists, regulatory documents, and the results of their own sociological survey. The authors came to the conclusion that checking the readiness of students to accept traditional spiritual and moral values should be considered as an integral part of the preparatory stage of creating favorable conditions for their successful assimilation in the process of education and upbringing. The success of this work in an Orthodox educational institution ensures the family education of students based on Christian and Orthodox principles. Moreover, in secondary educational institutions with a religious component in both teaching and upbringing, the assimilation of traditional spiritual and moral values by schoolchildren will be also successful.


Contribution of the authors

Glazkov A. P. – scientific management; processing and presentation of statistical data, source materials; follow-on revision of the text; final conclusions; Afanasyev I. A. – research concept; justification of the purpose of the article; writing the draft; the consolidation of data; final conclusions; Afanasyeva O. M. – writing the draft; the consolidation of data; final conclusions


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 2 (79)


Article information




Glazkov A. P., Afanasyev I. A., Afanasyeva O. M. Formation of traditional spiritual and moral values of Russian society in the education system: the role of Orthodox gymnasiums. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 2 (79), pp. 58–66.Х_2024_2_58.


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