For authors

“The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture” journal (PI Media Registration Certificate No. 77-14912 dated March 20, 2003) is a peer-reviewed periodical of open access.

The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications approved by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles. The journal accepts the materials on main scientific results of thesis for the Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences degrees in the following scientific specialties and corresponding branches of science:

  • 5.5.2. Political Institutions, Processes, Technologies (political sciences),
  • 5.5.4. International Relations (political sciences),
  • 5.6.1. National History (historical sciences),
  • 5.7.2. History of Philosophy (philosophical sciences),
  • 5.7.7. Social and Political Philosophy (philosophical sciences),
  • 5.7.8. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture (philosophical sciences).

The journal publishes the original articles that were not published before.

The requirements for publication are the following: the article should be relevant, the article should be of scientific novelty, an objective must be set in it, and there should be a description of the main results obtained by the author during the study and the conclusions.

The article can be published in Russian or English.

The requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication in “The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture” journal are the following.

1. Page count: article - from 0.5 to 1 printer’s sheet, including spaces; messages, information about anniversary dates, conferences, etc. - up to 0.5 printer’s sheet, including spaces.

2. Computer typing, Word text editor, docx format, Times New Roman font, 14 pt size, line spacing 1.0. Margins are of 2.5 cm on all sides. Paragraph indents for the text of the article are 0.75 cm. Automatic hyphenation must be activated. Pages are not numbered. Tables, diagrams, graphs, figures and other illustrations (size 12 pt) shall be numbered and entitled (Table 1. Table name). The title, as well as the tables, diagrams, graphs, etc., are centered, the title is not marked by the type of font. Paragraphs within table cells are not indented.

3. In one issue of a journal, no more than one article of the same author can be published (including as a co-author).

4. The maximum number of co-authors is 3.

5. The layout of the title of the article: at the top of the page, the title of the article is typed in the center (in capital letters, Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold). After a blank line there appear the author’s last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (bold font, italics), academic degree, academic title (in case there is none - position at the main place of work/study (left alignment). On the next line, the full name of the organization in which the author works/studies is given. On the next line, the address of the organization including index is given. On the next line the author's email address is given. This information is provided on each author. If there are several authors in the article, it is necessary to indicate the author to communicate with. This author's name is marked with * in the title of the article.

After one blank line the abstract of 150-250 words is set (width alignment, Times New Roman, 12 pt). The word "Abstract" does not appear. The abstract should contain the relevance of the study (1-2 sentences), the objective (1 sentence), a brief description of the sources and methods of the study (2-3 sentences), main conclusions and results of the study (4-5 sentences). On the following line the keywords (at least 10 words or phrases) are given (width alignment, Times New Roman, 12 pt).

After one blank line, the title of the article is duplicated in English while preserving the layout. We draw the authors’ attention that using of machine translation for translating into English is prohibited. If the translation is of poor quality, the article is returned to the author for improvement.

The article text itself is set one blank line below.

6. The text of the article is divided into sections

Introduction. Relevance of the research, its goal and scientific novelty are briefly presented.

Main body. The section, including the issue studying, which can be divided into subsections if necessary.

Conclusions. The conclusions on the results of the research are presented.

Titles of sections and subsections are made in italics. Italics or boldface type are not used in the text. The authors apply the unified system of abbreviations: centuries – cc., century – c., years – yrs., etc. The text must contain no double or non-breaking space.

The author is responsible for precise reference information presented in the text. All the sources referred to must be listed in the end of the article. The authors are responsible for the choice and reliability of the given facts, quotations, statistic data, personal names and other information.

7. Postlims. The system of text references in square brackets, for example [1, p.10], where first the number of the source in the reference list is stated, followed by a comma and the number(s) of page. References to several sources within the square brackets are separated by a semicolon; if referred to an archive document, the number of sheets are stated instead of pages [1, p.10; 2, sh. 32-33].

The reference list (size 12 pt) is placed after the text of the article in alphabetic order and must contain at least 10 items. The list can contain maximum two references to the works of the article author(s). First, the sources in Russian are stated in the list, followed by foreign ones.

The authors’ initials are separated by a space. One should distinguish dash “–“ and hyphen “-“. Dash is used when indicating the publication imprint, hyphen is used when indicating the pages range.

For books, monographs, collections of articles it is necessary to specify the place of publication, publishing house and total number of pages. When specifying the place of publication only Moscow (M.), St.-Petersburg (St.P), Leningrad (L.) are shortened.

For periodicals it is necessary to state the year of publication, issue (volume, issue number), pages of the article, DOI. Titles of journals cannot be shortened. City and publishing house are not specified for periodicals.



  • Иванов, И. И. Проблемы художественного слова / И. И. Иванов. – М.: Парус, 1990. – 456 с.
  • Бродель, Ф. Материальная цивилизация, экономика и капитализм, XV–XVIII вв.: в 3 т. Т. 1. Структуры повседневности / Ф. Бродель. – М.: Весь мир, 2006. – 592 с.

Article in a journal:

  • Карчагин Е. В., Токарева С. Б., Яворский Д. Р. Понятие справедливости в истории ранневизантийской мысли (IV-VII вв.) / Е. В. Карчагин, С. Б. Токарева, Д. Р. Яворский // Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 4. История. Регионоведение. Международные отношения. – 2017. – Т. 22. – № 5. – С. 214–226. – DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2017.5.20

Internet resource:

  • Федеральный закон от 31 декабря 2014 г. № 488-ФЗ «О промышленной политике в Российской Федерации» (с изменениями и дополнениями) – Режим доступа:, свободный. – Заглавие с экрана. – Яз. рус. (дата обращения: 02.02.2020 г.)

Article in a newspaper:

  • Иванов, В. Героические дела грозненских нефтяников / В. Иванов // Грозненский рабочий. – 1941. – 28 августа (№ 203). – С. 1.

Article in a collection of articles:

  • Павлий, А. И., Зотов, И. В., Шаваринский, Б. М. Патриотическое воспитание студентов высших учебных заведений / А. И. Павлий, И. В. Зотов, Б. М. Шаваринский // Воспитание в современной образовательной среде. Материалы межрегиональной научно-практической конференции. – СПб: Ленинградский областной институт развития образования, 2019. – С. 82-88.

Archive document:

  • Первое упоминание:
    Национальный архив Республики Калмыкия (далее – НАРК). Ф. Р-3. Оп.1. Д.25.
    Последующие упоминания:
    НАРК. Ф. Р-3. Оп.4. Д.72.

Thesis paper and thesis abstract:

  • Дружба, О. В. Великая Отечественная война в историческом сознании советского и постсоветского общества: дис. ... д-ра ист. наук / О. В. Дружба. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2000. – 508 с.
  • Дружба, О. В. Великая Отечественная война в историческом сознании советского и постсоветского общества: автореф. дис. ... д-ра ист. наук / О. В. Дружба. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2000. – 18 с.

Section References offers transliteration and translation of the sources into English. References is given in a separate block, repeating the reference list to the Russian part, regardless if there are foreign sources in it. It is absolutely unacceptable to use separation characters, applicable in Russian GOST (“/”, “//”, “–“). If the quoted source in the original is typed in Latin characters, in References it is given in the original language without changes.

For each item in the reference list one must indicate: the author’s transliterated name, last name, patronymic (no space between the initials), transliterated title of the publication (monograph, article, Internet resource), followed by the translation of the title into English in square brackets. The period goes after the square brackets.

Then the title of the source is transliterated (for the articles, sections of the books or multi-author monographs) and its translation is given in square brackets. Transliteration of the source title is in italics. If the author’s name in Latin characters or the official translation of the article title was already given in the publication, one should use this variant. The same is true if the journal has an English title, then it is given in the References. If the authors’ names in Latin characters or the translation of the article title cannot be found in official sources (journal’s web-site, databases, the Russian Science Citation Index system), one has to transliterate and translate them.

The outputs of the periodicals (volume, issue, pages) are given separated by commas with the use of common contractions: volume – vol., number – no., issue – iss., part – part., pages – pp.

For monographs the place of publication, publishing house, year, total number of pages are given successively. The place of publication is transliterated, but not translated into English (except for Moscow and Saint Petersburg). The publishing house is transliterated, no abbreviations or contractions are accepted.



  • Ivanov I. I. Problemy hudozhestvennogo slova [Problems of an art word]. Moscow, Parus, 1990, 456 р.
  • Brodel' F. Material'naia tsivilizatsiia, ekonomika i kapitalizm, XV-XVIII vv. Tom 1. Struktury povsednevnosti [Material civilization, economy and capitalism, XV-XVIII centuries. Vol. 1. The structures of everyday life]. Moscow, Ves' mir, 2006, 592 p.

Article in a journal:

  • Karchagin Е. V., Tokareva S. B., Yavorskiy D. R. Ponjatie spravedlivosti v istorii rannevizantijskoj mysli (IV-VII vv.) [The Concept of Justice in the History of the Early Byzantine Thought (4th–7th Centuries)]. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations]. 2017, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 214-226. DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2017.5.20

Internet resource:

  • Federal‘nyj zakon 31.12.2014 N 488-FZ "O promyshlennoj politike v Rossijskoj Federazii (s izmenenijami I dopolneniyami)" [Federal Law No. 488-FZ of December 31, 2014 "On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation" (as amended)]. Available at: (accessed 2 February 2020)

Article in a newspaper:

  • Ivanov V. Geroicheskie dela groznenskih neftjanikov [Heroic deeds of the Grozny oil workers]. Groznenskij rabochij [Grozny worker]. 1941, August 28, no. 203, p. 1.

Article in a collection of articles:

  • Pavlij A. I., Zotov I. V., Shavarinskij B. M. Patrioticheskoe vospitanie studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenij [Patriotic education of students of higher educational institutions]. Vospitanie v sovremennoj obrazovatel'noj srede. Materialy mezhregional'noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. [Education in a modern educational environment. Materials of the interregional scientific and practical conference]. Saint Petersburg, Leningradskij oblastnoj institut razvitiya obrazovaniya, 2019, pp. 82-88.

Archive document:

  • The National Archive of the Republic of Kalmykia. F. R-3, op.1, d.25.

Thesis paper and thesis abstract:

  • Druzhba O. V. Velikaya Otechestvennaya vojna v istoricheskom soznanii sovetskogo i postsovetskogo obshchestva [The Great Patriotic War in the historical consciousness of soviet and post-soviet society]. Dr. hist. sci. diss. Rostov-na-Donu, 2000, 508 p.
  • Druzhba O. V. Velikaya Otechestvennaya vojna v istoricheskom soznanii sovetskogo i postsovetskogo obshchestva [The Great Patriotic War in the historical consciousness of soviet and post-soviet society]. Dr. hist. sci. diss. Abstr. Rostov-na-Donu, 2000, 18 p.

To transliterate Russian text into Latin characters one is to use

The article is named after the last name of the author (correspondent author in case there are co-authrs): Ivanov I.I._article.docx. Click here to download an example of the article outline: Ivanov I.I._article.docx.

8. An author's background note (file name: Ivanov I.I._author's background.docx) must be sent together with the article. Click here to download an example of the author's background outline: Ivanov I.I._author's background.docx.

9. The works by authors without academic degree shall be published only in case of the recommendation letter from their academic supervisor. The recommendation letter shall be written in any form, certified by the signature of the academic supervisor and the seal of the organisation where he/she works. The recommendation letter shall be sent electronically in PDF format (file name: Ivanov I.I. _recommendation letter.pdf). A positive recommendation from the academic supervisor does not guarantee the publication in the journal. All articles are subject to an internal review.

Postgraduate students’ papers can be published in case of a certificate of study issued by the Postgraduate Study Department. The certificate shall be sent electronically in PDF format (file name: Ivanov I.I._study certificate.pdf).

10. The article, author's background note, (if necessary, recommendation letter from the academic supervisor and certificate of postgraduate study) shall be sent by a single letter to the e-mail address of the journal editorial office:

The editorial office does not accept reviews, anti-plagiarism check results and other documents not specified in the requirements.

Deadline for submitting the articles to the scientific journal “Caspian Region: Politics, Economy, Culture”:

  • until December 10 – in the 1st issue;
  • until March 10 – in the 2nd issue;
  • until June 10 – in the 3rd issue;
  • until September 10 – in the 4th issue.

In case of a large number of incoming articles, the issue may be completed ahead of schedule.

Editorial office address: 414056, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishchev St., Astrakhan State University name of V.N. Tatishcheva.


Phone number: +7 (8512) 24-64-88