Editorial ethics

Scientific journal The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture follows the standards of editorial ethics and exerts efforts to prevent its violation.
The editorial staff and reviewers observe copyright law in regard to the submitted materials, including the “right of authorship” and the right of “the work invariability”, legally provided by the Russian Civil Code.
Information on the paper before its publication can only be provided to the author, reviewers, members of the editorial board and staff of “Astrakhan University” publishing house.
Reviewers and editors have no right to use directly or indirectly the materials of the submitted papers before their publication in the journal, as well as to transfer the texts before their publication to an unauthorized person.
The same rules are valid for the rejected papers.
The papers should be estimated entirely by their content and quality of scientific results, notwithstanding the author’s sex, race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, political opinion, age, academic degree (title) or lack of it. The main estimation criteria are enlisted in section “To the authors”
The authors of the papers must guarantee that the submitted materials are the original works containing no plagiarism, unpublished materials by other authors, information that is unauthorized for publishing by the regulatory documents in force. For this purpose, the authors are to present scanned copies of the certificates, including the authors’ declaration to satisfy all the requirements listed in this passage, and the results of the check on the plagiarism with the help of “anti-plagiarism” system. The certificates must be initialed by the authors.
If the authors used in the paper some material from a previously published work (including their own one) and/or its fragments, the corresponding literature references must be made. The fragments taken from the previously published text must be quoted. As for the unoriginal graphical materials or their fragments, the sources, including those from the Internet, must be stated.