Cultural configurations of modern Russia and the contours of reformed philosophy

Bilalov Mustafa I.



Events of a historical dimension associated with Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine have brought humanity to a peculiar change in the milestones of historical time. The development of strategic approaches to the development of the modern world in conditions of cultural diversity is philosophically and methodologically significant. The author of the article considers its main goal to put forward a working hypothesis about the content and structure of the renewal of domestic philosophical education. Based on observations of the practical and political course of human history, specific events in Russia and relying on the developments of fellow philosophers, political scientists and cultural scientists, the article analyzes the spiritual state of the era, its cultural contours and the updated domestic worldview determined by them. The author comes to the following main conclusions. Russia is a state-civilization, therefore its identity and ideology are conceptually based on the large-scale geopolitical concept of Eurasianism. The substantive and structural features of Eurasianism determine the contours of the renewed or reformed philosophy. It must consist of Marxist ideology as a section and a principle that permeates the entire worldview. Methodologically, the new philosophy must synthesize the ideas of dialectics, synergetics, the anthropic principle and the principle of universal evolutionism, the productive principles of postmodernism and post-non-classical science. The irrationalization of the world spirit obliges modern philosophy to cultivate imagination, esotericism, ecstasy, mystical intuition and many other various archaic forms of understanding reality, expanding the range of philosophical thinking at the expense of the nonrational and irrational. The reform of philosophy must take into account the Eurasian origins of the identity of peoples – the philosophical ideas of Orthodox Muslim thinkers and the theorization of the substrate components of the vast geopolitical space of ethnic groups. A significant block of philosophical knowledge should be devoted to the legacy of philosophers about a decent life, a noble citizen, freedom and responsibility, moral and physical health.



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  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 2 (79)


Article information




Bilalov M. I. Cultural configurations of modern Russia and the contours of reformed philosophy. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 2 (79), pp. 51–57.Х_2024_2_51.


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