Idleness as an existential epoch

Kostomarov Artur S.



In the article idleness is understood not as freedom from labor and work, but as a constitutive principle of human existence. The relevance of the study lies in the attempt to explicate the positive ontological meaning of the phenomenon of idleness and to identify the role and significance of idleness in human existence. The initial idea of the article is an attempt to reveal idleness as a suspension of activity, as a form of existential epoch, which in the ontological perspective allows a person to discover the close as the primary ontological background, with which a person is connected by the essential way of his being; in the anthropological perspective idleness opens to a person his being possibilities, his ethos (form-life), his own way of existence and, finally, idleness is interpreted as a necessary condition of politics. In order to realize its purpose, the study aims to analyze the phenomenon of proximity and the related categories of privation and deprivation in the fundamental ontology of M. Heidegger, to the understanding of amechania in the of V. V. Bibikhin conception and the concepts of activity and potentiality, manner and gesture in the critical philosophy of G. Agamben.



  1. Agamben, Dzh. Gryadushhee soobshchestvo [The Coming Community]. Moscow: Tri kvadrata; 2008, 144 p.
  2. Agamben, Dzh. Koster i rasskaz [Bonfire and story]. Moscow: Gryundrisse; 2015, 192 p.
  3. Agamben, Dzh. Ostavsheesya vremya: Kommentariy k Poslaniyu k Rimlyanam [Time Remaining: Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie; 2018, 224 p.
  4. Agamben, Dzh. Sredstva bez tseli. Zametki o politike [Means without ends. Notes on politics]. Moscow: Gileya; 2015, 148 p.
  5. Agamben, Dzh. Tsarstvo i slava. K teologicheskoy genealogii ekonomiki i upravleniya [Kingdom and Glory. Towards a theological genealogy of economics and management]. St. Petersburg: The Gaidar Institut; St. Petersburg State University; 2019, 552 p.
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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 1 (78)


Article information




Kostomarov A. S. Idleness as an existential epoch. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 1 (78), pp. 166–176.Х_2024_1_166.


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