Soviet paramilitary forces in confrontation with Sychev’s detachment: from the history of the fight against the “green movement” in the North-Western Caspian region at the final stage of the civil war

Timofeeva Elena G., Tyurin Alexey O., Lebedev Sergei V.



At the final stage of the civil war in Russia, the wave of resistance to the new power on the part of society did not subside; it took on different colors, covered different territories, varying the forms and means of struggle. During the period of “transformational changes,” public sentiment fluctuated with incredible force from support to rejection of large-scale transformations of power, often carried out by extremely radical methods that led to armed confrontation between the parties. Among the poorly studied problems of Russian history are the issues of organizing the struggle of Soviet paramilitary forces with “green” detachments in the North-Western Caspian region. Identification of the entire complex of problems solved in this regard, reconstructing the image of the events under study, became the goal of this study. Its relevance is enhanced by the need to overcome ideological assessments of events given by Soviet historians, to include new sources and their interpretations from the standpoint of modern methodological approaches into the space of regional historiography. During the study, special historical methods were used: chronological, historical-genetic, historical-typological and historical-comparative. The source base for the study was the materials from the funds of the State Archive of the Astrakhan Region (GAAO). The group of main sources consisted of operational and intelligence reports, reports from the headquarters of the ChON of the Astrakhan province. Documents (transcripts of direct wire (telephone) conversations, telegrams, minutes of meetings, summaries, memos and reports) deposited in the funds of the Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF) were studied by the authors on the basis of those collected by V. L. Brzezinski materials, as well as his memories as a direct participant in the events.The article reflects the results of a study of the causes, directions and forms of armed confrontation between Soviet military formations and Sychev’s detachment on the territory of the North-Western Caspian region at the final stage of the civil war in Russia. Scientific publications of historians who studied various aspects of the problem were studied. New sources have been introduced into scientific circulation.


Contribution of the authors

Timofeeva E. G. – scientific management, research concept, justification of the purpose of the article, writing the draft, the consolidation of data, final conclusions; Tyurin A. O. – work in museums, archives, processing and presentation of statistical data, source materials, follow-on revision of the text, final conclusions; Lebedev S. V. – work in archives, processing and presentation of statistical data, source materials, follow-on revision of the text, final conclusions.


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  2. State Archive of Astrakhan region. Found P-296, inventory 2, case 105.
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  4. State Archive of Astrakhan region. Found R-2071, inventory 1, case 342.
  5. State Archive of Astrakhan region. Found R-2071, inventory 1, case 343.
  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 1 (78)


Article information




Timofeeva E. G., Tyurin A. O., Lebedev S. V. Soviet paramilitary forces in confrontation with Sychev’s detachment: from the history of the fight against the “green movement” in the North-Western Caspian region at the final stage of the civil war. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 1 (78), pp. 35–46.Х_2024_1_35.


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