Ritual: modern understanding and approaches to design

Koltsov Petr M., Umgaev Semyon A., Nadbitov Mingiyan V.



The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern understanding of the phenomenon of ritual and the construction of ritual practices in the modern world using the example of Russian and regional space. The modern world has caused a transformation of traditional culture and forced it to adapt to new conditions. However, even today the ritual continues to perform key integrative, communicative and symbolic functions, which means it remains relevant. The materials used are data from historiography, modern domestic and foreign researchers, as well as data from online sources. For our research, we used the methods of ethnology and social anthropology. The article analyzes cases of the revival of Kalmyk Tengrism, the political action “Immoral Regiment”, the St. George's Ribbon, and the “ribbon” policy. Results. Ritual in modern society continues to perform key integrating, communicative and symbolic functions, which means it remains relevant. Accordingly, religious and political construction also affects ritual practices. The essential features of modern religious and political ritual practices are: firstly, a change in the position that ritual occupied in society or a change in the form of its implementation; secondly, rituals are consciously constructed with the help of social and political technologies, thirdly, rituals are individualized.


Contribution of the authors

Koltsov P. M. – scientific leadership, development of the research concept, justification of the purpose of the article, writing the source text, consolidation of all data, final conclusions; Umgaev S. A. – development of the research concept, work in the archive, collection and processing of materials, revision of the text, final conclusions; Nadbitov M. V. – work in the archive, collection and processing of materials, search for published sources, revision of the text, final conclusions.


the research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-28-10065 "The modern structure of ethnic, religious and civic identity of the Kalmyks in ritual and commemorative practices", https://rscf.ru /23-28-10065/.


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 1 (78)


Article information




Koltsov P. M., Umgaev S. A., Nadbitov M. V. Ritual: modern understanding and approaches to design. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 1 (78), pp. 73–82. https://doi.org/10.54398/1818510Х_2024_1_73.


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