The activity of the 4th air Defense sector in the Stalingrad Strategic Defensive operation

Bolotov Nikolai A., Nasekin Maxim A.



The relevance of the study is due to the insufficiency of its elaboration, in the presence of a sufficient number of materials and sources on the topic of anti-air defense of Stalingrad during the Great Patriotic War. The purpose of the work is a detailed study of the activities of the 4th air defense sector in Stalingrad. The source base is based on materials from the following archives: the Battle of Stalingrad Museum-Reserve, the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History. Special literature is also used on the topic. The article contains a brief overview of the bibliography on the research topic. Ideographic and historical-chronological methods were used to describe facts, phenomena and events. The materials of the article give a general description of defensive battles on the far and near approaches to Stalingrad, reveal the issues of air defense of the city in the Stalingrad strategic defensive operation. The article chronologically reveals the exploits of the soldiers of the 4th sector of the Stalingrad Corps Air Defense area from the moment of its creation to the termination of its activities. As a result of the study, examples of interaction between air defense units and ground units of the armed forces in Stalingrad were identified, and places of heroic battles of soldiers of the Stalingrad corps area of air defense were also identified.


Contribution of the authors

Bolotov N. A. – scientific guidance, development of the research concept, substantiation of the purpose of the article, editing; Nasekin М. А. – work in museums, archives, data processing and systematization


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  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2024 No. 1 (78)


Article information




Bolotov N. A., Nasekin M. A. The activity of the 4th air Defense sector in the Stalingrad Strategic Defensive operation. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2024, no. 1 (78), pp. 47–55.Х_2024_1_47.


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