Role of mass media in formation and positioning of image of the North Caucasus

Adzhiev Islam Рђ.


In article the attention to the main reasons for a gain of mass media of an important place in Political Science life of modern society, their opportunity to model the relations with the public in respect of formation and positioning of image of the region by means of special means and methods is paid. The main channel of a manipulation are mass media which are not simply means of informing society, but also very serious lever of influence. One of the mass media major functions is collecting, systematization and transfer of news and information, formation of opinion, a contribution to discussion of public problems, formation of image of the region. Image of the region is offered to be considered as the having character of a stereotype, emotionally painted image of the Political Science subject which developed in mass consciousness as a result of a combination of purposeful and inadvertent actions and constantly reproduced by the subject and mass media. Image of the region represents one of the most effective social and psychological regional regulators which is carrying out the most effective submission of the message which is able to bypass the various filters which are available in each person. Studying of problems of designing of image of the region in mass media, research of the characteristics defining this image, features of process of its formation and transformation, and also factors having impact on this process is of interest in modern conditions. It is necessary for increase of efficiency of formation of image of the North Caucasus at interaction of authorities and societies to use all channels of communication, i.e. both traditional mass media, and means of Internet communication.
