The review of the book “The frontier of Lower Volga: cultural memory and cultural heritage”, 2014, written by the authors Romanova A.P., Hlyscheva E. V., Yakushenkov S. N., Vasilyev D. V., Kusmidinova M. H., Yakushenkova O. S., Topchiev M. S

Gerasimidi Yelena I.


The education guidance “The frontier of Lower Volga: cultural memory and cultural heritage”, written by the authors Romanova A.P., Hlyscheva E. V., Yakushenkov S. N., Vasilyev D. V., Kusmidinova M. H., Yakushenkova O. S., Topchiev M. S., gives the analysis of the ways of preservation of cultural heritage in the polycultural region. The authors develop the methodology and conceptual framework of frontier territories. The system of cross-cultural communications depends on many factors, including the history of cultural landscape in the frontier territory where a process of cross-cultural communications take place. From this position the problems of preservation the cultural safety in conditions of the polycultural spaces are rised. The analysis of modern society leads to understanding the needs of achievement the cultural dialogue in the world where cultures and interests of many people compelled to look for a way to interact with each other.
