Moral imperatives as spiritual basis of personality

Ramazanova Saida R.


The article attempts to the philosophical comprehension of moral imperatives of personality. The subject is modern and important. The theme is undoubtedly actual in theory. This article is a timely issue today because in the twentieth century, humanity has survived many terrible events: the bloody wars, nuclear disasters, Political Science conflicts. These problems are still not resolved. The article discusses ways to resolve ethnic and interconfessional conflicts, which should be based on moral benchmarks, on the priority of spiritual values. Moral culture influences the relationship between people. It reflects the spiritual and material values of the social system. A well-known fact that in the XXI century only the dialogue of cultures is able to help people to rethink past failures and resolve social problems. All problems should be solved by Political Science means, which are based on universal moral values. Only through public dialogue of cultures we will be able to form a multicultural space where different cultures will be able to co-exist and interact with each other. The concept В«humanityВ» which deals with religious and secular presentations was not integrally comprehended with social philosophyuntil now . The ideas of morality are opened from the point of view of Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, social philosophy in the article. Morality which is situated between religion and atheism would become original В«the third wayВ». This way will make an effort to lead a personality to spirituality and morality.
