The historical development of the electoral system in the United States of America

Dzhepparov Alim M.


The article tells about principles of representative democracy in the United States of America, evolution and modern condition of electoral system asfundamental mechanism of representation in the USA. Special aspects of citizens’ electoral rights realization in the United States have been found out. The central focus is made on the development of election legislation and its structure. Additionally, historical stages which had introduced profound changes in the electoral system of the United Stated were determined. An effect of canceling of various voters qualifications on the process of the United States Political Science system democratization as well as the role of the state and Political Science associations in the electoral system were studied. Based on the analysis made we figured out special aspects of electoral process, electoral mechanisms and procedure in the United Stated, their effect on democratism of the Political Science system in the country, the main characteristics of electoral system in the US with its advantages and weaknesses.
