Ethnic culture and civil identity becoming

Dibraev Afsaladdin D.


The problem of becoming of common and civil identity in Dagestan is considered in the given paper. The author determines two interpretations of ethic people and nation - constructivism and primordialism, preferring primordialistic conception. The conformity of ethic culture of the given conception is shown on the example of the Republic of Dagestan. Appreciating multiculturalism critically, the investigator touches upon the perspectives of ethic culture in civil nation’s forming. Ethnic (national) culture originated in ancient times with ethnic groups. Their historically the first form of this tribal culture. Ethnic culture carries the traditions of their ancestors, which mainly involves field work and life: her features are manifested in the characteristics of food and clothing, folklore, folk crafts, folk medicine, and so on, it Usually develops as an oral culture, but with the spread of literacy gradually clothed in written form. The specificity of ethnic culture is largely due to the natural environment. It expressed the secular people's experience of life and sustainable farming in these terms of nature. However, in the formation of ethnic culture special role of religious beliefs and historical memory of the nation and ideological settings.
