Journalistic elite of Germany and the problems of national thinking sovereignty

Lebedeva Irena V.


During the First Cold War, the West often accused the Soviet Union that the Soviet journalists are completely ideologized and fully serve the ideology of the Communist Party. In contrast, they gave the example of the Western media - a sample of genuine freedom of speech, honesty and venality. A quarter of a century has passed and we can see the true face of Western journalism. It turns out that all of the charges that they set up against their Soviet opponents, with can be attributed to themselves with good reason. The West, in fact, turned to the Soviet Union of the worst of his sample. Falsification and manipulation of the western media reflected the unscrupulousness and cynicism of big politics of the West. The myth of the speech freedom does not withstand any criticism even among themselves and Western Political Science analysts and journalists. The evidence of all above mentioned is the work of the German journalist Udo Ulfkotte about the corruption of the German press and most of the leading Western publishing houses and journalists, serving the interests of the security services of their governments.
