Regional pecularities of modern migration processes in the astrakhan region

Mironova Yuliya G.


The article analyzes the regional features of migration processes in the Astrakhan region. The study of migration processes and the ability to control, understanding changes occurring in them, at the regional level, are of great scientific theoretical and practical significance. The aim of the study is to analyze the statistics of migration during the period from 2007 to 2011. The main source of information is the official statistics of the Territorial Department of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Astrakhan region. The article presents a comparative analysis of migration processes at all levels. The peculiarities of migration flows between Astrakhan IS countries and the CIS countries, as well as migration flows with the subjects of the Russian Federation and especially intra-regional migration. The study author concludes that the region has recently seen a positive migration balance. The positive balance was due to the inflow of migrants from the CIS countries. Net migration with foreign countries in recent years has been negative, but not significant to the performance indicators. The emigration of citizens in other regions of the Russian Federation from the region is sustainable. Intra-regional migration flows are mainly directed from rural to urban areas. All parts of the region except for two have a steady exodus. Migration processes affect the social and demographic structure of the population. Analysis of regional migration processes, increases the representativeness of their forecasting and efficiency of regional migration policy.
