Heterotopic images of the frontier woman in Chinese cinema

Xu Yujie, Yakushenkova Olesya S.


The article analyzes the process of forming particular patterns of frontier heroines in Chinese cinema. The whole history of China is the process of collision with other Nations and tribes. In recent years, Chinese filmmakers are increasingly turning to the picture of frontier subjects. These areas are positioned with such characteristics as chaos, dystopia, antisocial behavior of the characters, complex natural conditions, etc. Frontier is unstable, mysterious territory in which the hero faces all kinds of dangers. It is not surprising that female characters have shades of asocial behavior, and grotesque, sometimes exaggerated masculinity and militancy etc. Frontier woman in Chinese cinema is usually a warrior, savage, able to withstand men and to dominate them, her sexuality is minimized or Vice versa, grotesque, aggressive and exhibited to the fore. The creators use these traits to emphasize heterological actions unfolding in these areas. The authors, on the example of different cinematographic works, analyze stereotypes in depicting frontier heroines
