Subaltern Groups as a new vector development of New Age ideas

Gorlova Yekaterina V.


The article is devoted to studying of the New age movement from a position of subaltern groups. We explain the origins of the term В«subalternВ» and its development within the framework of scientific discourse. We examine in detail two subaltern groups : Native Americans and feminist ideas. They had an enormous influence on the development of culture and philosophy of the New Age. The feminist ideas has played a special role in the spread of Indian subjects, and as a whole multiculturalism represented by the cultures of other small nations in the New Age. Hypertrophic attention of New Age ideologues to small groups and their values could not ignore the Indian women. Earlier Indian woman was the most powerless creature in the country. She was deprived of a name because she has a contemptuous nickname В«squawВ». This negative connotation was extend to everything about Indian women, but New Age has changed this situation radically. Now it is Indian woman becomes the translator of ancient wisdom, telling her man. So, the image of an Indian woman from the В«squawВ» has become a translator of ancient wisdom, the ideal primordial female shaman, which became popular in the consumer society. The feminism and multiethnic component reflect the basic characteristics of the New Age phenomenon.
