Leisure activities of russian youth in conditions of modern city

Plotichkina Natalya V., Belyatskaya Alica Ya.


Tendencies in change of the content and structure of leisure activity of Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don youth are revealed in the article. The authors characterize youth’ leisure activities, basing on the main principals of the concept practices in the sociology of youth’ daily life, structural-functional approach in the sociology of youth. Leisure activity of local youth was analyzed taking into account the results of the empirical research. The influence of gender specificity on nature of leisure pReferencess of young citizens is shown. Free time of local youth, the degree of satisfaction of respondents with city infrastructure of youth leisure is defined.The characteristic of leisure infrastructure in Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don is presented. It is pointed out that modern leisure infrastructure gives more opportunities for practice of traditional forms of leisure, rather than the innovative directions. The importances of «out-of-door» forms of spending free time, the practices of active recreational activity are emphasized for young people. The hierarchy of leisure alternatives for the youth of Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don are revealed. The article shows that under the influence of the urbanized environment changes occur in leisure pReferencess of local youth. The article describes the new leisure practices in youth communities (time clubs and city quests).The conclusion that interest of youth in new leisure alternatives is observed in choice of institutions for rest, sports activities, hobbies and participation in city games is drawn.
