Foreign policy priorities of Azerbaijan: integration into the world community

Gamidov Sanan Salekh ogly


GeoPolitical Science position of Azerbaijan long since drew to it attention of near and far actors. Without going deep into history of Persian-ottoman or Russian-British rivalry for influence and domination, it is possible to tell, as today Azerbaijan is in focus of close international attention. In article considered priorities of Azerbaijan in foreign policy and geopolitics over the past few years. Here is given the analysis of a current state of investment policy, regional policy of Azerbaijan and the large international projects which are carried out by the country. Membership of Azerbaijan in a number of the authoritative international organizations is of great importance for definition of priorities of foreign policy. Azerbaijan possessing from an advantage strategic ground, a geostrategic an important position on a joint of Europe and Asia, keeping features peculiar to it in all areas of Political Science and spiritual and cultural life, having incorporated formed of synthesis of values of the West and the East of quality, Azerbaijan chose the line of integration into the world community. On the way of realization of this choice the Azerbaijani state, on the one hand, studies world experience and defines model of the economic and Political Science development, and with another, - according to the parameters accepted in the international sphere enters interstate communications for protection of the national interests.
