Management development from the traditional system of management to self-learning and self-governing bodies

Akmaeva Raisyan I., Lunev Aleksandr P., Mineva Oksana K.


The article critically explores the genesis of management - progressively successive stages in the evolution of scientific thought on good governance; identify trends and the basic ideas of good governance, which can be taken up by modern management; It substantiates that any concept of management at the end of the active phase of the action does not disappear completely, and its basic ideas persist in modern management concepts based on mutual penetration and enrichment of different management techniques and elements that arose in different periods. It develops the thesis that man today is both a key player and a special object of control, which should not be considered only as a "resource". Top management must skillfully incorporated into the processes of self-managed through the formation of a mechanism of self-development when management only provides triggering excitement staff of the organization, and the subsequent "self-alignment and samodostraivanie structure" is made by the employees. Expands the modern incarnation of the idea of self-managed workforce, P. Drucker put forward in the early 50-ies of XX century and accepted in society while, on the example of American production company processing tomatoes Morning Star Company, in which there is the most traditional management system, that is. e. Chiefs, but effectively implement the principle of self-eminently.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 2 (43)




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