Issue 2015 No. 4 (45)


Trade and economic development of Arzamas and its uyezd in the system of the Nizhny Novgorod viceroyalty

Shaveleva M.B.
11-14   330

Since the middle of the РҐVIII centure the Arzamas Uyezd had become an evident economic event and trade transport point in the Russian domestic market system, taking the first place of the trade development level in the Nizhny Novgorod Governorate. Arzamas was one of the most important transit point...
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Persian components in the lower Volga frontier: past and present

Kulakov V.O.
14-19   315

In the Volga Delta Great Eurasian Steppe during the meeting with the great river from ancient times spawned numerous intensive contacts of peoples to geopolitical, geo-economic and ethno-religious communication lines. Lower Volga -- a unique concentration of natural, economic social and other commun...
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State the responsibilities of the parish clergy of the Astrakhan province in the XVIII - early XX century on the materials of “Astrakhan diocesan gazette”

Porotikova L.N.
19-25   355

In modern Russia the Church was taking an increasingly active part in the socio-political, socio-cultural life of the country. The Orthodox religion is being rethought, not only taking into account the modern realities and needs of society and state, but based on the responsibilities of the Church t...
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Agricultural departure peasants and forming agricultural (of the) proletariat on south Russian on the boundary РҐIРҐ-РҐРҐ centurys

Trekhbratov B. A.
26-37   320

In the article the departure farmers in agricultural work in the southern provinces of Russia and the odds-ming agricultural proletariat in the late nineteenth - early twentieth century....
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The evolution of the peasant economy and the adjustment problems of the cultural revolution in the 1926-1928

Turitsyn I.V., Kholodny M.A.
37-40   312

The article examines the impact of the transition to the accelerated construction of socialism in the formulation and solution of problems of the cultural revolution in the countryside. It is shown that in 1927 there was a fundamental reversal of party politics. Before that time, the main concern of...
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Basic methods for state control of soviet society in 1920-1930

Likholet O.V.
40-44   365

The author analyzes the basic methods of the state control in the Soviet Union in 1920-1930 . An administrative method was a main, it establishes the rules of the administrative decision-making and control of their execution at all levels of the government, the rules of selection o...
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The division was going ahead

Ubushaev V.B.
44-47   344

The author examines some questions of combat units formation and training of the 110 Kalmyk cavalry division to the hostilities with Nazi troops. According to the order of command Kalmyk cavalry division has been fighting hard-fought battles near Bogaevskaya, Razdorskaya and Semik...
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State regulation of the private capital in the 1920s: the regional features

Kotelnikov A.S.
47-53   430

The author shows the local peculiarities of the state regulation of private capital in the Astrakhan province in the period of the new economic policy. The author notes that the Astrakhan province was the region where private capital received the maximum development, especially in the fishing indust...
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Peasant commune as the possessor and the owner of the land: paradoxes of russian historical experience 1900-1920-ies

Holodny M.A.
54-59   322

The article investigates the problem of stability of the peasant community in Russia at the stage of acceleration of modernization processes in the late XIX - early XX century. It is shown that despite the declaration of the reform of 1861, until the time of Stolypin's reforms, the community remains...
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The Turkmen coast of the Caspian sea in the economic policy of the tsarist government in 1800-1820-ies

Ozdamirova E.M.
59-66   322

In the early nineteenth century the Russian government, in a situation of finding a profitable market for young Russian industry. Central Asia, with its vast open spaces and agricultural nature of the production, historical proximity to Russia's borders and centuries-old traditions of cultural and e...
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Aboutthe mutual aid of the USSR and Mongoliin 1930

Manzhikov E.B.
66-69   394

In premilitary years in the foreign policy the Mongolian National Republic active supported close cooperation with the Soviet Union according to the Protocol on mutual aid of 1936 the Protocol of 1936 promoted not only to strengthening of the military-political union USSR and MHP, but also considera...
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With international mission in a friendly Mongolia

Nadbitov M.V.
69-72   480

The article highlights interesting, important questions of friendly cooperation of the two new states - the Russian Soviet Republic and the Mongolian People's Republic in the early years of their existence. During this period the basis of the eastern direction foreign policy of the Soviet state acti...
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Process of formation and execution of the educational system, the educational and the Stavropol region educational practice the second half of XIX centuries

Afanesyan K.K.
73-74   299

The article discusses eventfulness charity in the macro context of education and upbringing and educational practices in the Stavropol region of the second half of the XIX century. Details are researched educational and awareness-raising charity association....
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Economic factors to reduce agricultural production and social programs in 1970 - first half of 1980s

Kulikova E.A., Lavrova T.N.
74-80   314

During the tenth and the eleventh five-year plan at the beginning of the Stavropol Territory in the industry there was a slight increase in the cost of production, which took place against a background of reduced productivity and increase the time spent on production of a conventional unit of the in...
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Akmaeva R.I., Skobleva E.I.
81-88   341

The article presents the principles and the logic of the formation of a strategic map of the structural subdivisions of higher educational institutions. The strategic activities of the organization is seen as a set of management decisions on the positioning in the competitive environment, at the cho...
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Theoretical and methodological problems of the labor market

Kolomeiko M.V.
88-91   321

The article describes the features of labor market research, reveals the theoretical and methodological approaches to study the basic problems in this sphere and explored ways to solve these problems....
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Talent management and fostering leadership - the key to successful development of a modern company

Voinova Yu.S., Khodenkova O.P.
91-95   307

Proactive HR professional currently is a competitive advantage and a strategic tool in the development of any professional activity. The rapid and dynamic processes in working with company personnel, what is happening in Western countries have a significant impact on the choice of priority direction...
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State and prospects of development of irrigation ystems of the republic of Armenia

Akopyan T.V.
95-101   309

The irrigation sector of Armenia suffers from the shortage of investments on the improvement of water and energy-effectiveness. The gap between the needs of farming and the powers of the irrigation systems of the country continues growing today, the loss of water in the irrigation canals exceeds 50 ...
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The effectiveness of agroleasing relations in astrakhan region

Matsuy E.A., Aitpaeva A.A.
101-104   317

The innovative way of economic development and technological modernization of the agrarian sector is possible with a steady supply of computers. The article examines problems of development of leasing relations in agriculture. Despite increased financial support for agriculture and equipping agricul...
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The image of the bank in the minds of consumers: a comparative analysis of sociological research

Bocharnikova I.S., Mironova Yu.G.
105-109   320

In article it is analyzed the factors forming image of banks in public opinion of Russians the conditions necessary for strengthening of its positive component are analyzed. The interrelation of image of banks and an assessment of their activity by the population is considered, the shortcomings and ...
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Origins of post-soviet party system today

Usmanov R.Kh.
110-115   352

The paper analyzes the genesis of political parties in the post-Soviet Russian society and determined the place they occupy in the political system during the transformation of the state. On the basis of the classical definitions of leading scientists partologs the role and place of political partie...
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Heterarchy as hybrid political institutions of a new political reality

Miroshnichenko I.V., Ryabchenko N.A., Morozova E.V.
116-121   398

This article explains the development of new hybrid forms of political institutions as a result of the formation of a new political reality - a network of public policy. Formation of a network of public policy is an unfinished project of the non-linear, where institutional, procedural and technologi...
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Boitsova O.Y.
122-126   313

The article is devoted to the political-philosophical conceptualization of urban issues, namely, the consideration of “global cities” as an element of modern political space. It is shown that characteristics of the settlements of this type were crucial not only quantitative but qualitative param...
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Socially responsible business as a tool to embed ethical standards in the activities of Russian entrepreneurship

Molokova M.A.
126-132   321

In the article it is shown that in conditions when the society is in a transformational state, it is the cultural factor (the system of spiritual values, traditions, moral principles and norms, etc.) is of particular importance, is becoming a priority in the totality of the factors of development, b...
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The political activity and controversy of french intellectuals in the 20-30-ies of XX century

Nikandrov A.V.
133-141   315

The article is devoted to polemics and political activities of French intellectuals - Julien Benda, Paul Nizan, Romain Rolland, Henri Barbusse - which these intellectuals were in the 20-30-ies of XX century. The controversy associated with disputes about the betrayal and desertion, for the problem o...
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The concept of political space in M. Foucault’s theory of power

Alasaniya K.Yu.
141-144   378

The article examines a concept of political space represented in M. Foucault’s works. The article shows the significance of links connecting the concepts of political space and “power-knowledge” as well as peculiarities of these concepts in terms of placing them in the context of Foucault’s ...
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Becoming an information society as the basis for the development of legal and democratic state

Budovskaya O.V.
145-149   297

This article analyzes the formation and development of information society in the modern period of Russian statehood based on the legal framework and democratic principles. To date, the information sphere is an integral part of modern society, where it is impossible to imagine without the developmen...
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Features and problems of modern migration processes in the Russian Federation (on the example of the Astrakhan region)

Oskina O.I., Lisyansky I.N.
149-155   348

The article analyzes problems, identifies causes and effects of migration on contemporary socio-political processes. Is a characteristic of modern migration policy, there has been a change of discourse, strengthening the political aspects. Special attention is paid to the state migration problems of...
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Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of cross-border cooperation as a political process

Dzhantaleeva M.Sh.
156-162   379

This article reveals the specifics of the main theoretical aspects of the process of cross-border cooperation, including consideration of the conceptual apparatus, as well as the major methodological approaches, models and types within the world of experience....
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Concept, role and importance of “soft power” in contemporary international relations

Novoselov S.V.
162-167   785

The concept of “power” is one of the key at the same time the most controversial in the theory of international relations. Like most of the categories, the concept of “force” in international relations theory does not have a well-established, universally accepted definition. J. Introduction....
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Demographic marathon of Russia and Europe: the problems of islamisation and voluntary childlessness

Bicharova M.M., Lebedeva I.V.
168-172   321

This article reflects the results of a study of the demographic situation in Europe and in Russia in the context of current global changes. It assess the degree of dependence of young people’s reproductive behavior in certain regions on such factors as the growth of mobility, changing value orient...
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Ethnic prepositions of the astrakhan pupils as a precondition to ethnic tolerance / xenophobia formation

Grigorev A.V.
172-177   299

The article is devoted to the studying of Astrakhan pupils’ prepositions using Bogardus scale. The studied prepositions were analized as a predesposition to a certain behaviour towards the represantatives of other nationalities. Actual ethnic prepositions of Astrakhan pupils indicate the existance...
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Financial regulation of political parties of Canada as a component of campaign

Treglazova E.V., Kosov G.
178-181   331

Any modern political party can't do without financial aid of the supporters and public groups supporting her. Time when influence of parties depended, first of all, on organization, enthusiasm of party members and political loyalty, passed long ago. To provide full functioning of the difficult party...
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The family as the basis for a national idea

Pitsenko O.V.
181-185   323

Modern family relations are in deep crisis today (guest marriages, civil marriages, maternal familieis, childfree spreading). The revival of spirit values and family traditions are the basis of national idea of the Russian Federation. Successful family must become support for the state and guarantee...
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National model of political modernization of Latin America: history and the present

Kornienko T/A.
185-189   318

This article refers to the civilizational model of modernization in Latin America than in any other region of the world, describes the process of concealing the formation and functioning of country (national) micromodels....
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Social movements as part of social capital in foreign countries

Polyakov A. V., Vartumyan A.A.
190-193   319

In the present article deals with the examples of the creation of social capital, social movements. For example, Italy is considered social capital of the Italian community, the generation of social capital, the potential impact on society. We consider the differentiation of volunteer and community ...
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The media freedom in Azerbaijan: problems and prospects of developmen

Osmanova Sh.
193-198   349

The article is devoted to the main problems and prospects of the media development in Azerbaijan. In his article, the author draws attention to the problems faced by the media in the Republic of Azerbaijan related to the economic and political dependence of the media. The author relates to the posit...
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Theory of network structures researching in formulating public policy

Tezadova D.A.
198-205   328

The necessity of the use of methodological potential of a network approach in the study of public policy-making processes, which leads to the modern transformation of the public administration system of modern states. The author examines the complex network theories, the theory of a new type, where ...
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Social echo of a migration drift in the European countries

Frolova Y.S., Grigorev A.V., Lebedeva I.V.
205-211   330

The article is devoted to migration and refugees in Europe, deals with the problems of misunderstanding between the refugees and the recipient population, the failed policy of multiculturalism. The PEGIDA movement (patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West) not only blames the immigra...
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Regional policy and the development of local municipal government system

Chapkovskaya E.A.
211-215   305

The article examines the new regional policy in the political sphere, which is primarily aimed at strengthening democratic Russian state through the development of federalism and local municipal government. In Federal government tasks and powers are distributed between Federal bodies of state power ...
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To the question of regional security establishment in the Middle East

Pokhilko A.A.
215-218   328

The article discusses the differences in establishing regional security in the Middle East, which are determined by historical reasons by the great powers, source opportunities and challenges. Analyzes the key features of the regional security environment, affecting configuration of power centers an...
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Moshchelkov E.N.
219-223   306

The article is devoted to the history of development of philosophical views on the nature and essence of policy. The author gives the analysis of features of evolution of the fundamental ideas and concepts which influenced process of formation of philosophy of policy and legal philosophy in modern p...
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The idea of godmanhood as the resolution of the antinomy of ontological differentia of god and the world in the eschatological historiosophy of all-unity

Glazkov A.P.
223-226   308

The article deals with the key problem for the understanding of the types of eschatological historiosophy views about the distinction of the two natures - the divine and the created. Author's contribution consists in the justification of a particular type of eschatological historiosophy that can be ...
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The significance of “deliberative turn” in understanding of democracy in contemporary western political thought

Sytin A.G.
226-231   313

The article deals with the development of the ideas about the communicative model of democracy and the “deliberative turn”. This phenomenon of the western political thought and partly - of political practice emerged at the turn of the XX and XXI century. The author demonstrates the consanguinity...
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N.G. Chernyshevsky and G.V.F. Hegel: problem of method in philosophy

Tilinina T.V.
232-236   439

This article discusses not only the development of N. G. Chernyshevsky materialism in philosophical and scientific knowledge, but also the great Russian thinker of the Hegelian dialectic. N. G. Chernyshevsky was one of the first not only in Russia but also in Europe understand the importance and sig...
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The specificity of spatiotemporal representations of the medieval people of Western Europe by A.Y. Gurevich

Tikhonova V.L.
236-241   291

The article analyzes the specifics of the spatiotemporal representations of the medieval people of Western Europe by A. Y. Gurevich. Being the successor of the research tradition of the French school of “annals”, a domestic researcher introduced into scientific use the term “categories of cult...
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Alien as a monster: image of Russia in the western discourse

Romanova A.P., Kholova L.A.
241-247   326

“Own - Alien” opposition lies at the heart of any intercultural communications. It becomes a rather complicated chain of interrelated concepts “Own - Different - Alien - Enemy - Monster” wherein the choice of communicant's image depends on many curcumstances. Notion stereotypes about foreign...
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Cultural security and factors of development of national alimental culture

Yakushenkov S.N., Song Jie
247-253   363

The article analyzes the role of alimental culture in the preservation of cultural security of the country. Taking in the consideration the fact, that food is one of the basic needs of human existence, it is easy to imagine how deeply food codes are rooted in the national culture. Using food metapho...
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Cultural identity of the mongolian peoples in the context of the theory “of non-western modernity”

Badmaev V.N.
253-257   308

Article is devoted to the cultural identity of Mongolian peoples. The author proposes to explore the topic in the context of the theory of “non-Western modernity” and discussions about “Asian values”. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the phenomenon of nomadism as a special mod...
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Topchiev M.S., Dryagalov V.S.
257-260   296

This article analyzes the current moment in the spatial problems, the popularity of which is dictated by the interdisciplinary of this phenomenon. Particular attention is paid to the study of the concepts of “border” and “limit”. Through the use of post-modern approach, the authors were able...
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The problems of cultural interaction in the conditions of a multicultural heterotopy

Khlyscheva E.V.
260-264   265

The modern world represents dynamic, unstable transcultural structure, explanation of which perhaps only by means of the concept “heterotopy” which gives the chance of a new view on the habitual cultural phenomena. The heterotopny space is not a concrete place, it is rather multiple opportunity ...
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The image of the strange detective in the paradigm “foreign/other”

Dzhenenko O.V.
264-268   277

The article defines the concept of “Detective” and the image of a model describing a “strange” detective as a recognizable typed character in the aspect of the basic socio-cultural binary opposition “Own - non-own”, which includes otherness appearance, professional activity, way of life,...
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The problem of individuality in psychology: historical directions and the current models

Ivaschenko A.V., Karabushchenko N.B., Sungurova N.L.
268-272   346

The article presents the theoretical basis of the study of individuality of personality. The authors examine the issues associated with the problem of of individuality in psychology, analyze the historical directions and modern research models. The main psychological schools solve questions about th...
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Fantasy as a simulacrum

Demina A.V.
272-277   287

The author of this article substantiates the provision of simulation fantasy nature, based on the lack of a model-referent in fantasy and display in the works of fantasy a “secondary”, a non-existent reality. This approach allows us to consider this phenomenon of contemporary culture as a kind o...
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Childfree as contra-cultural challenge to moderm russian society

Bicharova M.M., Pitsenko O.V., Gorlova E.V.
277-281   295

The article is devoted to study of the reasons of phenomenon “childfree” appearance. It is the community of so called non-parents who voluntary refuse from being parents. The parallel between social and cultural transformations in two countries: the USA and Russia is made. These transformations ...
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Between nature and civilization: cultural heritage and cultural security of the Chinese park

Yakushenkova O.S.
282-286   265

Heterotopic space - is a term of M. Foucault, that implies a space in which a part of customary norms and laws are violated. Very often, such spaces becomes a threat to the traditional culture and its norms. For example, prisons and mental hospitals themselves are neither positive nor negative pheno...
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Principles of nonlinear artistic mentality

Kirbaba Y.V.
286-290   275

The paper considers matching and integrative principles of the artistic and scientific mentality. The basis for the study is synergetics - a theory of self-organization of the complex systems. The nonlinearityРё of creative thinking can be understood differently. It can be either ambiguity in the in...
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Concept “creativity” of the buddhism and Christianity

Nemchinova A. L.
290-294   278

The author considers that the first step to comprehension of value of other religions is their understanding in their own terms. At each religion the spiritual depths; each of them gives the unique answers to many fundamental questions exciting the person during his life. On the basis of fragments o...
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Nibelungs and psychoanalysts: freudian and jungian approaches to the analysis of “Das nibelungenlied”

Sarakaeva E.A., Lebedeva I.V.
294-299   283

The article considers the attempts to analyze the medieval German heroic epos “Das Nibelungenlied” (“The Lay of Nibelungs”) by the representatives of Freudian and Jungian schools of psychoanalysis. Special attention is paid to the theory of American expert on the “Nibelungenled» Winder Ma...
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External and internal conditioning of motivation

Gainutdinova E.V.
299-305   252

A key role in the formation of personality plays an understanding of the subject of how he is able to understand and monitor the implementation of their desires, as the need may be controlled based on a condition that the existence, at the expense of some internal features of human development takes...
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The song tradition in the lyrics of i. bunin

Borovskaya A.A.
306-308   299

The paper investigates the song lyrics of I. Bunin in the context of evolutionary changes that happened to the genre of songs in Russian poetry of the late XIX - early XX centuries. One of the constitutional processes of thinking through genre in the work of I. Bunin is the synthesis of the lyric so...
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The influence of postmodernism on the development of religious transgression

Dryagalov V.S.
309-311   234

The article analyzes the religious situation in the postmodern era. In particular, attention is paid to issues such as the change of motivations in the choice of religion, the influence of fundamentalism in different religious denominations and religious syncretism. All these factors have, in varyin...
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M.Yu. Barshchevsky as carrier of elite speech culture

Vasilieva Yu.A.
311-314   273

In article the main components of elite speech culture are analyzed. On the example of speech strategy of M. Yu. Barshchevsky the language behavior of the carrier of elite speech culture is investigated....
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Council of elders as a sociocultural element in heterotopic space of astrakhan frontier (for example astrakhan tatars of Osypnoy bugor village)

Aliev R.T.
315-317   274

Originating in ancient times as a political and social management body in ethnic communities, the Council of Elders has undergone enormous changes, but remained in the new form. This article discusses emerged quite recently a managing body of the Astrakhan Tatars Osypnoy bigor village, as the Counci...
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“Confessional Alien”: alimentary and vestimentary markers

Topchiev M.S.
318-321   262

A religious affiliation is the most important one out of all identifying characteristics of the Alien at the categorical level. Different faith may deeply set us apart rather than different ethnic affiliation. In the confessional sphere conflicts between the representatives of “own” ethnic group...
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The cultural image of the astrakhan region in the perception of the local population

Mironova Yu.G., Shcherbakova L.V.
321-325   397

The article analyzes the factors shaping the image of the region, analyzed the conditions necessary for the strengthening of its positive component. The cultural image of the region is formed on one side and the other constructed image of the region, created a set of stable objective and subjective,...
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The eliteoriented self-identity of a person: the problem definition

Karabushchenko N.B.
326-330   234

The article poses the problem of research of psychological readiness of the individual to eliteoriented self-determination for the first time, it discloses its basic structural components (cognitive, motivational, affective, behavioral, personal)....
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Questions of evolution of modern belarusian political elite

Gavrilina N.E.
330-334   251

In the article the major questions of functioning of the Allied state are examined in the conditions of geopolitical crisis. An author spared large attention to transformation of looks of belorussian elites and contrelites,to the political system of Belorussia in modern terms....
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The elite and the war: the falsification of victory and defeat

Karabushenko P.L.
334-339   272

In the history of humanity the war has always played a key role. It was an exceptional event in the life of a single person and a standard course politicians zavedshih situation in the conflict impasse. War changed the face of the world, the political map, moved to new places and people of culture, ...
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The elitology of education: the current state of a problem and prospects of its future development

Rezakov R.G.
339-343   385

Modern higher education reforms are against strengthening the position of elite educational institutions. The issue of the quality of education is a matter of fact, the prospect of producing a new professional elite. This edition of the elite specialist becomes the main indicator of the efficiency a...
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WAR AND PEACE: the two world wars of the twentieth century (1914-1945)

Democracy and war: the paradox or the regularity?

Soloviev A.V.
344-350   302

The article discusses the relationship between the two phenomena of political life: “war”and “democracy” in the course of historical development of society. The author analyses the causal and other relations that connects them. He attempts to justify the regularity of the presence of war in ...
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Social protection of children during the great patriotic war (on materials of Stalingrad region)

Merkureva V.S.
350-354   258

The article analyzes the main directions of social protection of children during World War II as an example of the Stalingrad area. Attention is given to orphans and children whose parents had fought at the front. Considered acts of central and local authorities, dedicated to the support of motherho...
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New view on the “eternal” problem. Review on the book: “Revolution as concept and event”

Kudriashova E.V.
355-356   260

Meritocracy dreaming and reality - book review Hayes, Christopher. Twilight of the Elites: America After Meritocracy. Crown Publishing Group (NY), 2012. - 304СЂ

Rychagov I.S.
356-357   243