Peasant commune as the possessor and the owner of the land: paradoxes of russian historical experience 1900-1920-ies

Holodny M.A.


The article investigates the problem of stability of the peasant community in Russia at the stage of acceleration of modernization processes in the late XIX - early XX century. It is shown that despite the declaration of the reform of 1861, until the time of Stolypin's reforms, the community remains not only the main subject of the relationship of peasant land tenure, but also, to a certain extent, the issues of ownership and ownership by the peasant tradition, the main regulator of property relations. The value of the community to solve the basic preserved in the future. In spite of Stolypin's reforms - in imperial Russia, and then on the basis of Soviet agrarian legislation NEP era of revolution and the community to be an important regulator of land relations.
