Social protection of children during the great patriotic war (on materials of Stalingrad region)

Merkureva V.S.


The article analyzes the main directions of social protection of children during World War II as an example of the Stalingrad area. Attention is given to orphans and children whose parents had fought at the front. Considered acts of central and local authorities, dedicated to the support of motherhood and childhood, strengthening financial support for families, including many children. Considered measures to prevent child neglect and crime prevention children. The problems of the evacuation of children from areas of operations, in the rear of the unit, related difficulties. The author shows the characteristics of public care institutions of Stalingrad during World War II, after the beginning of the restoration of the city. Particular attention is paid to the difficulties in the work of children's homes in the period under review and the effectiveness of measures to protect children. The author concludes that the relevance of the issues related to the implementation of the state policy on children at any stage of historical development.
