The image of the bank in the minds of consumers: a comparative analysis of sociological research

Bocharnikova I.S., Mironova Yu.G.


In article it is analyzed the factors forming image of banks in public opinion of Russians the conditions necessary for strengthening of its positive component are analyzed. The interrelation of image of banks and an assessment of their activity by the population is considered, the shortcomings and advantages influencing positive image of bank are allocated. In article structural elements of image of bank quantity and quality of the provided services and tariffs, service level, quality of service consistently are considered. The main basic indicator of image of bank is the opinion of the public on bank that is formed under the influence of two fundamental factors knowledge bank and experience of receiving financial services. In article trust degree as, the main indicator in structure of opinion of the public on the financial organization as on the basis of trust the client relations are under construction is analyzed. The main subjects of studying in article is research of opinion of Russians on processes of the banking services occurring in the market, including studying of feature of services and tariffs, segmentation of consumers, a service level assessment, and also loyalty of consumers and quality of service. In category of positive estimates, the population refers now availability of information and comfort of use of banking services that leads to increase in degree of appeal of banks. Consumers slopes to build the relations with banks on a long-term outlook at the high level of trust and transparency of its activity. Uncertainty in a choice of banking institution in general across Russia decreases, and trust level to a banking system grows. Researches of the Russian sociologists show that the population reliability of bank, level of control of participants of the relations, quality of service and favorable conditions excite. It proves that researches of this sort can help banks to conduct more correct policy taking into account needs of real clients and development of strategy and tactics of formation of positive image of bank in the opinion of potential clients


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 4 (45)




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