Socially responsible business as a tool to embed ethical standards in the activities of Russian entrepreneurship

Molokova M.A.


In the article it is shown that in conditions when the society is in a transformational state, it is the cultural factor (the system of spiritual values, traditions, moral principles and norms, etc.) is of particular importance, is becoming a priority in the totality of the factors of development, both economic and social. In modern conditions of Russian business must be substantially transformed in the direction of becoming civilized enterprise, focusing on the production of profitable products, but also socially relevant products and services. That last part is organically combined with his high sense of social responsibility towards society, which is a social factor in the Genesis of Russian business. Thus, the business implements its purpose as a social in the true sense of the words of institution of the society. A major factor in the implementation of Russian business, its social purpose is to accelerate the country's transition from the criminalized economy, with its corruption and legal nihilism to a social market economy with Russian specifics. The coordinating role of the state and technologies of multi-sectoral partnerships are socio-economic factors of becoming civilized business in Russia, for emancipist Russian business from power, remove its dependence on non-legal institutions, provide a climate of trust, respect to culture, the consolidation and stability of development of society and minimise social risks and shocks in the future. On this basis can be ensured steady progress towards its own model of post-industrial society as a fundamental systemic factor in the development of the business, and implemented system changes to the model of social responsibility of business, which is a major factor in the incorporation of moral and ethical principles internally as organic and necessary to the activities of entrepreneurship and the evolution of civilized business in Russia in General.
