Persian components in the lower Volga frontier: past and present

Kulakov V.O.


In the Volga Delta Great Eurasian Steppe during the meeting with the great river from ancient times spawned numerous intensive contacts of peoples to geopolitical, geo-economic and ethno-religious communication lines. Lower Volga -- a unique concentration of natural, economic social and other communications in multidimensional space of Eurasia. From the moment, when Russian State was recognized this uniqueness of the region, it gradually turns into territory of frontier of Russia, where produced new forms of cross-cultural interaction of different ethnic groups. One of them for the past several centuries are Persians, for a long time held in their own hands the threads of the Caspian and the transit trade between North and South. They left an imprint on the cross-cultural environment of the Lower Volga region and continue to play an important role in it, and at the present stage.
