Regional collective identity: categorical and structural analysis

Topchiev Mikhail S.



The article provides a categorical and structural analysis of such a concept as "regional identity", which is quite important for understanding the situation in the regions, analyzes the problems that arise when defining this phenomenon and considers approaches to its definition. In the process of analysis, the levels of regional identity are identified: micro-regional, regional, macro-regional. An important factor of belonging to a certain regional identity is differentiation into One's own, regionals, and Strangers located outside of it. In modern conditions, this factor becomes one of the axial in the structuring of modern society. In the process of analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that in most definitions the emphasis is not just on belonging to a certain territorial community, but on awareness, feeling, emotional acceptance of this community at the level of One's own. The article analyzes approaches to the structure of regional identity and reveals the difficulties of its formation and structuring in such macro-regions as the Caspian. This is due to the collapse of the Soviet Union with its dominant collective identity - the "Soviet people", and the construction of new national identities in the post-Soviet space. The process of construction is not finished yet and largely depends on the constantly transforming socio-political situation. In conclusion, the importance of identity issues for the construction of the security system of the region is indicated.
