With international mission in a friendly Mongolia

Nadbitov M.V.


The article highlights interesting, important questions of friendly cooperation of the two new states - the Russian Soviet Republic and the Mongolian People's Republic in the early years of their existence. During this period the basis of the eastern direction foreign policy of the Soviet state actively implement the principle of retraction of India, China, Mongolia and other Asian countries in the revolutionary process in order to ensure the victory of socialism in the East. The leaders of the Soviet state V. I. Lenin, L. D. Trotsky, I. V. Stalin also believed that after the defeat of the revolution in Western countries need to turn the route of the world revolution to the East, as here, perspectives of the revolutionary forces. To do this, you need to create, argued L. D. Trotsky, well-armed body in the Urals and send to India and Afghanistan. The same idea is actively developed by prominent public and political figures and statesmen of Kalmykia and Buryatia. For example, A. and A. Chapchaev Amur-Sanan in May 1919 in the journal “Life nationalities” were made by the article “Keys of the East”, which suggested that “the Kalmyks could become agents of Soviet power in the East among the multimillion-Buddhist Mongol tribes”. In September 1920, at the Congress of the Peoples of the East in Baku representative of the Mongolian Renaissance Elveg-Dorji Rinchino he asked the Soviet government to send military instructors to Mongolia, Kalmyk Mongolians related to them. In July 1920, Secretary to the Far ECCI immediately supported this proposal Elvega Rinchino. In January 1921, the Revolutionary Military Council, it was decided to second a group of young officers of the Kalmyks-15-20 for military instructors work in the army of the MPR. This group included prominent commanders from among the Kalmyks headed by H. B. Kanukova and V. A. Homutnikovym, soon launched a large military-political work in the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army. Mission H. B. Kanukova and V. A. Khomutnikova Mongolia was highly appreciated by the Soviet government. For the successful execution of the job diplomaticheskogo in Tibet, associated with life-threatening, V. A. Khomutnikov January 2, 1925 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
