The problems of cultural interaction in the conditions of a multicultural heterotopy

Khlyscheva E.V.


The modern world represents dynamic, unstable transcultural structure, explanation of which perhaps only by means of the concept “heterotopy” which gives the chance of a new view on the habitual cultural phenomena. The heterotopny space is not a concrete place, it is rather multiple opportunity of its vision. The idea of other cultural spaces, their exarticulations, movement, extent in the settled world corresponds with the strategy of multiculturalism. And it inevitably brings a discourse “the Our - the Stranger” with its numerous problems. Identification of constructive tendencies of relationship with the Stranger especially actually for host countries in connection with process of “hybridization” of culture when the last often consists of incompatible parts, the extremely unstable and contradicting a traditional context. Practice of relationship “the Our - the Stranger” in heterotopny space proves as through a disruptiveness prism, as a constructibility owing to ambiguity of the heterotopy phenomenon. The cultural diversity is an indicator of space heterotopy, which is unstable by the nature, and if higher degree of “diversity”, that is more risks of the ethnoconflict situations which are quite often bringing this society on a disintegration side. However heterotopy spaces are capable to contain in themselves that, in fact, can't take place in them. If it occurs, such heterotopy space has steady structure which is at the moment effective.

Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 4 (45)




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