Aboutthe mutual aid of the USSR and Mongoliin 1930

Manzhikov E.B.


In premilitary years in the foreign policy the Mongolian National Republic active supported close cooperation with the Soviet Union according to the Protocol on mutual aid of 1936 the Protocol of 1936 promoted not only to strengthening of the military-political union USSR and MHP, but also considerably strengthened defense capability and safety Mongolian, but also considerably strengthened defense capability and safety of the Mongolian National Republic, strengthened MNR as the sovereign state that lay in the course of foreign policy interests of Moscow. Geopolitical nature of these interests was invariable. In turn, Ulan Bator on the international scene needed support of Moscow. The Soviet help continued to serve Mongolia reliable as В« a safety umbrellaВ» . The X congress MNRP summed up the results on realization of problems of a democratic stage of revolution and defined a strategic course of country at a socialist stage. X congress MNRP summed and the VII Great National Hural summed approved progress of the largest historical victories of the Mongolian people on the way of revolutionary changes from 1921 to 1940. The government of MNR made the decision on construction of a number of new objects among which were such as - processing plant - the largest enterprise of the state food industry, the State theater were constructed.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 4 (45)




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