Ethnic prepositions of the astrakhan pupils as a precondition to ethnic tolerance / xenophobia formation

Grigorev A.V.


The article is devoted to the studying of Astrakhan pupils’ prepositions using Bogardus scale. The studied prepositions were analized as a predesposition to a certain behaviour towards the represantatives of other nationalities. Actual ethnic prepositions of Astrakhan pupils indicate the existance of problems concerning the tention in interethnic interactions among the Astrakhan youth. This problem is extremly actual in case of the Astrakhan local populace attitude towards the North Caucasus peoples, the Roma and the Azerbaijanis. The most tolerant prepositions were commited in the attitudes towards the Ukrainians, the Belorussians and the Americans. The article also concerns the factors of formation of the pupils’ attitude towards other nationalities: a) the level of familiarity with represantatives of concidered nationalities; b) pupils’ view about the attitude of these nationalities towards them. The absence of directly dependent between the level of familiarity with represantatives of concidered nationalities and attitudes towards them was found. The studying of pupils’ views about the attitude of studied nationalities towards them allowed the author to designate the orientation (positive/negative) of the sources of information about the studied nationalities.
