The Turkmen coast of the Caspian sea in the economic policy of the tsarist government in 1800-1820-ies

Ozdamirova E.M.


In the early nineteenth century the Russian government, in a situation of finding a profitable market for young Russian industry. Central Asia, with its vast open spaces and agricultural nature of the production, historical proximity to Russia's borders and centuries-old traditions of cultural and economic interaction, turned out to be the most suitable area in this respect. The most convenient and nearest trade route to Central Asia from Russia has long been a trade route from Astrakhan on the Caspian sea to the East coast of Turkmenistan. And then overloaded goods on camels went deep into Central Asia. In addition, the Turkmen population was interested in mutually beneficial trade relations with the Russian Empire. In 1800-1820-s starts the active study of the Turkmen coast of the Caspian sea with the purpose of establishing an Outpost for the economic and political development of Russia in the region. Based on the analysis of Russian and Turkmen historiography, archival sources, the author attempted to describe this process.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2015 No. 4 (45)




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