Issue 2012 No. 4 (33)


Where were the city and region of Saksin located? (formulation of a problem)

Vasil’ev Dmitry V.
13-20   335

The article analyzes the archaeological and historical information that was obtained during the publication of the, Fyodorov-Davydov’s article that was named "The city and the region Saksin". The author attempts to correct a distorted view that the Lower Volga was a nomadic region in the Middle Ages...
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Bone-carving handicraft of Middle and Low Volga regions based on analysis of the bone pieces and defective products from Bilyar and Samosdelka sites

Palceva Dinara U., Burzhakov Ramil A., Sjanova Oksana A.
20-27   347

Based on these results it can be argued the presence of home carving handicraft production at the sites, due to the fact that the main characteristic of the craft – a high percentage of rejects and similar preparations, indicating the standardization and production volume is missing. The article ...
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Рroblem of safety of trading navigation on the Сaspian sea and its influence on the russian-persian relations in 1730–1740

Toropitsyn Ilya V.
27-35   317

In article influence of sea robbery (piracy) on the Caspian Sea on a condition of the Russian-Persian interstate relations in the second quarter of the XVIII century in activization of policy of Persia in the Caucasus and weakening of the Russian military presence at the Caspian region, caused by pe...
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About some of the results of the study on the financial support organization for the field forces on the territory of the lower Volga region in the period of the Patriotic war of 1812 and the World war II (the comparative analysis experience)

Vinogradov Sergey V.
35-41   297

The article dwells on the issue of the financial support organization for the field forces on the territory of the Lower Volga Region in the period of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the World War II. Among the most important directions for financial support mentioned in the article are the following:...
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The organization of an everyday life of the population during the Great Patriotic war (on materials of the lower Volga region)

Krasnozhenova Elena E.
41-48   324

In the present article the activity of local authorities of the Lower Volga region in the field of the organization of an everyday life of the population during the military period is considered. Features of the decision of food and housing problems in the region are shown by the author, the organiz...
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The development of national administrative-territorial units in the Lower Volga region in the middle of the 20s – beginning of 30s XX century

Sychev Mikhail S.
48-54   342

The article explores the creation and development of national state authorities in the system of the Soviet state based on the materials of the Astrakhan region. The main attention is paid to the revision of the of the Soviet party policy with respect of the Turkic nations which compactly resided in...
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The state trials and evryday life of the citizens in the second half of 1930-ies

Tyurin Alexey O.
54-64   321

The state trials of the former leaders of the state and the generalship were the most significant events in the Soviet social life in the second half of 1930-ies. The article studies the influence of the state trials on the everyday life of the citizens. The study analyses the records of general mee...
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National Bolshevism of N.V. Ustryalov: finals of the Russian Revolution

Antropov Oleg K.
64-72   320

Nikolai Ustrialov was an original and profound political thinker. According to him, the revolution is not the result of Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, but a result of Russia’s development over the centuries, many centuries of conflict resolution in Russian society. Ustrialov believed that Soviet socialis...
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Peculiarities of national policy (1985–1991) in the Lower Volga region: issues and solutions

Pitsenko Oksana V.
72-79   314

The events of 1985–1991, known as «perestroika», resulted in the increasing inter-ethnic tensions in the union republics, great number of refugees and unwilling migrants to the Lower Volga Region. Non-regulated migration to the region led to misbalance in the established inter-ethnic relations. This...
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Prerequisites of Astrakhan electoral crisis in 2012

Grishin Nikolay V.
79-86   321

Article is devoted to the objective and subjective conditions of the electoral crisis in Astrakhan in 2012. The article concludes that the emergence of political crisis and the protest movement in Astrakhan in spring 2012 was predetermined by the whole course of the modern Russian political process....
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Regional polities of Russia and Ukraine: comparative analysis of postsocialist transformations

Baranov Andrey V.
86-94   342

Revealed similarities and differences in the post-socialist transformations of regional political communities of Russia and Ukraine. Argued the cyclic type of the development of regional institutions, practices, and political cultures of both countries....
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Social networks inregional policy: latent structuresor publicactors?

Miroshnichenko Inna V., Usmanov Rafik H.
94-106   330

Public policy networking causes formation of a fundamentally new model of organization of social and political space. The subject of this study – how to update the subjectivity of social networks in the social and political space of the Russian regions. The purpose of the study was to identify and s...
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Volunteering as a channel of civil initiatives at regional level

Aybazova Fatima U.
106-111   330

Article is devoted to research of historical and theoretical bases of modern volontersky movement. The author gives examples from the Russian and foreign practice. The special attention is given to clarification of the objective and subjective reasons of still low activity of the Russian citizens in...
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The social relations of ethnic communities of migrants and the local population: the role of public associations in the organization of inter-ethnic dialogue

Suslov Aleksey A.
111-120   301

The article is devoted to the key problems of formation and further strengthening of the dialogue between the ethnic communities of migrants and the local population of the Volgograd region. Analyzed the current migration situation in the region, as well as the system of interaction of bodies of sta...
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State policy of Russiain relation to the muslim organizations of the volga region (1991–2008)

Syzranov Andrey V.
120-130   299

In article process of «Muslim revival» in regions of the Volga region in a context of a state policy of Russia in relation to the Muslim organizations is considered. The author of article analyzes the main aspects of the state and islamic relations on examples of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, the Astrak...
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The influence of ethnic and religious policy in support of political stabilityRussian Federation (case study of southern regions of Russia)

Kudryashova Ekaterina V.
130-138   320

Among the factors influencing the political process in the South of Russia, a special place is occupied by ethnic and religious, which interact with each other, to a large extent, the situation in the region. The author writes that the North Caucasian Federal District and the Southern Federal Distri...
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To the question about state – confessional policy in the poliethnical region (on an example of the Astrakhan region)

Dryagalov Vyacheslav S., Topchiev Mikhail S.
138-147   353

The main purpose of article is the analysis of the state-confessional policy in the Astrakhan region. In the first part of article the differences between terms «religious security» and «confessional security» were analyzed. The concept definition «confessional security» is specified and its main ch...
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Comparative characteristic of modern models of development of corporations

Borodin Alexander I., Kochuguyeva Margarita N.
147-152   304

The article studies the essential contemporaneous models of the building corporative business and definited activity of them in some large countries. Basing on the analysis of the directions development corporations in USA, Germany, Japan and Russia, it is exposed that models of corporation are chan...
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Foreign experience of attracting investment in housing

Belousova Anna M., Usatova Lyudmila V., Gerasimova Natalia A.
152-158   337

This article addresses issues involving the study of foreign experience in investment in housing construction. Peculiarities of international experience of attraction of investments in the sphere of housing construction are relatively balanced investment demand, on the one hand, and the proposals of...
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Possible ways of progress and prospect of the EuroAsian Economic Union

Gavrilina Natalya Ev.
158-162   303

In article the major questions of functioning of Uniform economic space and prospect of creation of the Euroasian economic Union as major association of the states on the postsoviet space are considered. The author considers the major parameters of economic progress of the countries of-participants ...
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The reform of state (municipal) enterprises (the financial and tax aspects)

Usacheva Lyubov V.
162-166   339

The article dwells upon the reform of state (municipal) enterprises which started in 2010. The legal status of state, new budget and autonomous enterprises is under consideration. The author gives a comparative characteristic of their financial plenary powers and also reveals the peculiarities of pa...
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The experience of the company «Toyota» to improve the administrative decision making process

Mineva Oksana K., Lunev Dmitry A.
166-169   349

Presented the experience of the company «Toyota» on the process of making administrative decisions, which in the shortest time to obtain a temporary, motivational, financial and social effects....
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Management polyvariant career in the framework of the contemporary management

Mineva Oksana K., Lunev Dmitry A.
169-172   336

The comparison of approaches to the management of traditional and polyvariant career. Justified the relevance of the occupational mobility of the modern employee, as a source of diffusion of tacit knowledge and the basis of increasing global competitiveness....
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Concept of historiosophy A. Cieszkowski and Gegel’s philosophy of history

Glazkov Alexander P.
172-178   334

The article considers problem of definition of initial sense of concept «historiosophy», which arises in gegel’s philosophical school. An attempt is made using the methodology of the comparative analysis to explore the differences in dialectical understanding of the historical process in Hegel’s phi...
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Motive and interest as the problematic motivation categories

Gainutdinova Ekaterina V.
178-184   361

The research purpose is in carrying out the social-philosophical analysis of the concepts «motive» and «interest» in the tideway of studying of the motivational stage in the operating process, to structure the given mechanisms and to define their functional purpose. The necessity of the similar anal...
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Contemporary art: from the art-practices and ready forms to nano-technology

Skolota Zoya N.
184-191   333

The purpose of this article is to comprehend the phenomenon of contemporary art as an example of a brand new art direction – nano-art. The paper based on the analysis of the techniques and technologies used in the art of the last century, analyzes the problem of aesthetic values, and the relationshi...
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On the problem of methodology of history of technics

Pristavakin Ilya N.
191-197   348

The article offers a different approach to the history of technics. But this is a scientific approach. From the author’s point of view, the history of technics may and should be treated as a history of technological transformations. This way of thinking enables all those who study technics not only ...
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Some aspects of the understanding to realities in modern culture

Otradnova Olga A.
197-204   309

The Article reveals the particularities of the understanding to realities, conditioned globalization in modern society. Term understanding is analyses as collection epistemology and ontology element, is given definition to realities, typology of the understanding to realities in history of philosoph...
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E.V. Ilyenkov about secular basis of Platonism

Podvoisky Leonid Ya.
204-210   306

In the article analyzed the book «Philosophy and Culture» from the point of view of the importance attached to it by Platon and his philosophy. It is shown that the author draws attention to the development of Platon’s classic philosophical problems. Among these problems, the problem of a particular...
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Psychology of professional elite

Karabuschenko Natalia B., Ivaschenko Alexander Vasilevich
210-221   723

In article reveals psychological bases of professional elite formation. Empirical research has allowed to check up theoretical model of elite psychology which includes a number of components: socially-psychological, requirement-motivational, emotionally-strong-willed, values oriented and intellectua...
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Prospects of elite in the context of cultural globalization development

Ponedelkov Alexander V., Cusina Svetlana I.
221-226   316

The paper investigates the problems of the processes of cultural globalization in the contemporary world. The question under discussion is of Russia’s place in the processes of globalization, the problems and prospects of the national identity in cultural expansion....
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Cultural memory and cultural heritage: conceptual analysis

Romanova Аnna Р., Topchiev Mikhail S.
226-233   763

The purpose of article is the conceptual analysis of a problems of preservation of a cultural heritage and cultural memory of the polycultural region. Tasks of article were the analysis of the most demanded conceptse of cultural memory a cultural heritage at present, and their specifics and a place ...
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Barbarian Body: Construction of the Alien’s Body on the Chinese Frontier

Yakushenkov Sergey N., Yakushenkova Olesya S.
233-240   333

Originating in ancient times, the Chinese state was formed in cooperation with the neighboring nations, who dwelt at the periphery of the Han ethnic group. As a result of these contacts and often in the course of Chinese expansion to the boundaries of the Middle Kingdom, a special zone appeared that...
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The mechanisms of Transformation the «Stranger» in the «Own»

Khlyscheva Elena V.
240-247   321

Stranger as Own. The author of this article is interested in the analysis forms of adaptation technology of immigrants in the west societies. Earlier working models of integration, such as assimilation, multiculturalism, etc. become ineffective at the meeting of very different cultures: European and...
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Reflection of german culture in the history of the Astrakhan guberniya

Kusmidinova Maria H., Boldyreva Anna M.
247-254   296

In this article the authors of reviews and analyses the role and importance in the past and the present time, representatives of the German Diaspora in history, culture, architecture of the city of Astrakhan. The tradition of the representatives of German culture became an integral part of the cultu...
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American frontier cultural heritage

Yakushenkova Oksana S.
254-261   318

The article is devoted to the American frontier. Under the frontier the author understands the particular temporal and local process of intensive cultural processes. In other words, under this term means cultural borderland, arising as a result of direct contact of two or more cultures. The article ...
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From semiotics to realogiya: methodological evolution of the research and interpretation tools culture of everyday life

Shipulina Natalya B.
261-267   494

Explores the transformation of scientific paradigms in the social-anthropological Sciences of everyday life. Approved by the transition from semantizirovanny ways of understanding and study of the sphere of things and everyday life in the being of man, implemented semiotics, to personologizirovanny ...
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The humanitarian aspect of the study of human adaptation to virtual reality and virtual culture conditions

Kalatura Julia Yu.
267-275   339

This research article reveals some approaches to conceptions «virtual reality», «virtual culture», it considers change of structure of human’s activity, human’s world view under influence of investigated phenomena. The degree and the limits of influence virtual reality on man not enough investigated...
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Routines of «implantation» of the screen in life of the modern person

Saenko Natalia R., Shcheglov Igor V.
275-282   299

The article is devoted a problem of growth of screen culture. As a concern subject gears of effect of the screen on the person and company, conversion of cultural life and vision of the world under the influence of screen phylum of instruction and dialogue appear....
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Features of adaptive and disadaptive activity forms display of a person in modern socio-cultural conditions

Ivaschenko Alexander V., Karabushchenko Natalia B., Pilishvili Tatyana S., Chkhikvadze Tinatin V.
282-292   326

The article analyzes the manifestation of personal activity in the contemporary social and cultural contexts in terms of the effectiveness of adaptation. The basic strategies of proactive coping behavior are shown in communicational multicultural space. The mainstreams of psychological correctional ...
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The «own vs. alien» confrontation in mass media as a formation aspect of the value orientations system in society

Bicharova Mariya M.
292-302   294

The article is devoted to study of the concepts «own vs. other» and the related notions «alien» and «different», which can get diametrically opposite sense in different context with positive and negative evaluations. These concepts representation in the mass-media texts can become a definite factor ...
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The free woman of the East as a phenomenon of «another» in a family

Lebedeva Irena V.
302-309   349

The article considers the problems of Islamic feminism in Russia and in Turkey. The modern free oriental woman following the laws of the European society is perceived by the family as something other, mismatching her status....
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The way from «Strange» to «Other» in terms of the programm of cultural exchange au-pair

Mantserova Olga V.
309-315   300

The globalization provides young people with great opportunities for communication with the representatives of different cultures and extansion of understanding area of complexity and richness of environment. The most popular way to get to known «alien» culture is programmes of cultural exchange. Th...
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Individual psychological aspects professional motivation consultants master of dealerships motor company

Fedotov Sergey N., Chernyshova OlgaV.
315-320   295

The paper presents the results of scientific research is individual-psychological aspects of professional motivation consultants master auto service centers, the city of Tver; analyzed the working conditions of masters-consultants, system of material incentives for employees, the role and importance...
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Extremism and nationalism in the interpretation of youth Astrakhan

Bocharnikova Irina S.
320-326   306

In article the sociological analysis of the factors promoting emergence and distribution of nationalism in the youth environment is carried out, features of youth nationalism in the Astrakhan region on the basis of poll of 24 astrakhanets at the age from 15 till 27 years adhering to extreme and nati...
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The anti-globalization movement and problem of falsification of dates

Baeva Liudmila V.
326-333   298

The Anti-globalization movement – one of the most active and not unequivocal in assessments of the modern social movements connected with process of globalization. On the one hand, its representatives act as nuisancers, are accused of extremism, with another, they position themselves as supporters o...
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Against falsification of history of Russia

Bolotov Nikolay A.
333-341   324

In article actual problems scientifically-propaganda counteraction of falsification of history of Russia are considered. Key questions of history of the Great Patriotic War which most all audits are exposed from some Russian and the majority of foreign scientists-historians are analyzed. The history...
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Information security as a factor of preservation of national identity in the modern Russian society

Zubovа Oksana G.
341-348   324

The article is devoted to the topical questions connected with the problem of information security in modern Russian society, due to internal and external threats, which have a material impact on the deformation of the main institutes of society and lead to the formation of antisocial behavior. Main...
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1612: political distemper and history falsification

Karabushchenko Pavel L.
348-359   316

Vague time is considered the most favorable for falsification and is the richest for deceit, betrayal and political insidiousness. The policy does not simply create history, but also offers its written variant which is not always adequate to the objective validity. The author consideres the false pa...
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Illegal migration in Russia and the problem of statistical data falsification

Tutarinovа Uliya O.
359-365   289

Modern Russia represents the state with migratory processes intensively proceeding in its territory. One of the parties of these processes is the illegal migration having huge scope in our country and making considerable impact on development of the Russian society. In article the problem of falsifi...
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History mistification as a necessary platform of existence of authoritarian and totalitarian political regimes

Aliev Aiub A., Smolyev Vladimir V., Tanasoglo Inna F.
365-371   256

The article is devoted to the study of historical falsification as one of the main reasons for the political establishment and substantiation of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. The author shows the aims and tasks of historical falsification in the political ideology of non-democratic regimes...
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The ideas of «Holy Russia» and the «Third Rome» in the history of the Russian cultural-historical and philosophical thought

Bedaev Alexander I.
371-377   257

The aim of the article is the consideration of debating questions of studying of the ideas of «Holly Russia» and «Moscow – the Third Rome» in the history of Russian cultural, historical and philosophical thought (S.M. Solovyov, V.V. Zenkovsky, A.N. Berdyaev, N.S. Trubetskoy, B.A. Uspensky, I.N. Dani...
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Values in political activity of women’s public organizations

Bekizheva Dina I.
377-384   265

Being guided by sense and aspiring to values, the person submits to moral and spirituality imperatives, possesses a freedom of choice and ability to expect a consequence of the behavior. It is the base of a universal basis of mankind at all social, cultural and individual distinctions between specif...
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World justice at provisional government in 1917: transformation attempt (on materials of the Astrakhan province)

(on materials of the Astrakhan province)
384-389   254

In article the organizational bases of world court created by the law on May 4, 1917 are investigated, features of realization of its basic provisions are allocated. The structure and functions of world justice, feature of its formation and development taking into account influence on it concrete so...
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Chechnya from february tо october 1917

Alischanova Malika H.
389-395   278

In this article are lighted up social and political processes passing in Chechen after February revolution. In spite of the fact that passed 95 years, there is no unequivocal position in an assessment of February in Russia. In the huge country with various level of economic, political cultural devel...
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Influence of youth policy on formation of valuable orientations of modern Russian youth

Miller Elena V.
395-403   245

The article is devoted to the analysis of influence of youth policy on valuable orientations of the Russian youth. Valuable orientations are understood as an orientation of the subject (the person, group) on the purposes realized by it and positively significant according to norms accepted in a soci...
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Game’s factor in the virtual process of modern culture

Kardenahlishvili Tinatin D.
403-409   232

In this article the author analyzes the game’s factor in the course of virtualization of modern culture. As the author thinks, modern era brought the considerable features which have affected on the cultural development and its manifestations. Some of them is so significant that we can speak about r...
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New informational area for yuoth activities development

Egorov Gleb N.
409-414   224

The article deals with the quantitive and qualitive analysis of Russian audience Internet-activity. The author analyses attitudes of youth segment of Internet-audience. In article there is secondary analysis of public opinion date of FOM, VCIOM and VOXRU.NET. As a result the author makes the conclus...
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From Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, the Eurasian Economic Union and the single CIS innovation space

Sarsembekov Nazhen T.
414-422   243

The paper deals with innovation cooperation of CIS countries in connection with the operation of the Customs Union (CU) and the Common Economic Space (CES) of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. It is noted that in the modernization of the economies of post-Soviet states play an important part of the co...
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Nature and mechanisms of formation of the youth structures of political parties

Teplyakov Victor N.
422-428   249

This article analyzes the nature and mechanisms of formation of youth organizations. The author critically examines the experience of scripting and mechanisms of formation of youth organizations and describes the six basic models of party building, proactive, vozhdistskuyu, formal design, club and n...
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Influence of antique ideas on Leonardo da Vinci as philosopher

Mitaleva Marina V.
428-433   252

Article contains the analysis of influence of antique ideas for content and method of statement of Leonardo da Vinci’s philosophical outlooks. This influence under study is shown by use of esthetic and ontological ideas, and also the images borrowed from theoretical heritage of philosophers of Antiq...
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Implementation of the opposition party governors of ideas of their own parties for Housing Policy

Shelipova Natalia V.
433-443   238

The paper aims to explore the implementation of the governors of the opposition political parties of housing policy, to identify its compliance with the ideology and program provisions of the relevant parties. The study tested the features of the implementation of the housing policy of the Governors...
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Problems and prospects of ethno political safety and stability of the state. The near-Caspian vector of the south of Russia

Usmanov Rafik H.
443-452   224

In stated article the author notes that actual definition of priorities and prospects of geopolitics of Russia with a view of strengthening of its nationhood and safety in one of the strategic directions of foreign policy of the state – the Caspian region conditions of civilization’s dialogue at the...
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