Problems and prospects of ethno political safety and stability of the state. The near-Caspian vector of the south of Russia

Usmanov Rafik H.


In stated article the author notes that actual definition of priorities and prospects of geopolitics of Russia with a view of strengthening of its nationhood and safety in one of the strategic directions of foreign policy of the state – the Caspian region conditions of civilization’s dialogue at the beginning of the XXI century today is. Unfortunately, former approaches and available recipes of the analysis of the created situation don’t allow to give today effective recommendations in normalization and situation improvement in these countries – the new view is necessary. The author makes an attempt to define vectors of the directions of elimination of civilization’s conflict, and also reveals priorities and prospects of the geopolitics’ directions of Russia in the Caspian region in interstate dialogue. In article it is offered for interaction coordination between the near-Caspian states, their national security, and also developments of the common civilizational position to solve a problem of definition of the center of the Caspian region.
