The humanitarian aspect of the study of human adaptation to virtual reality and virtual culture conditions

Kalatura Julia Yu.


This research article reveals some approaches to conceptions «virtual reality», «virtual culture», it considers change of structure of human’s activity, human’s world view under influence of investigated phenomena. The degree and the limits of influence virtual reality on man not enough investigated, in particular, a multi-disciplinary approach. Therefore this context of the study is very important. In this article uses a set of scientific methods of research, aimed at the theoretical understanding of the nuances of human adaptation to the conditions of virtual reality prevalence. Analytical and typological methods are some of the main methods in this research article. As a result this study revealed differences in the approaches to understanding and research of the virtual reality, virtual culture, the category of «virtual» in different branches of knowledge, at different historical stages of development of mankind; defined modifications in the field of culture and social relations, which are associated with the development of new computer technologies; noted a tendency of further "virtualization" of society. The article gives directions of development of scientific analysis of human’s phenomenon transformation in the conditions of the virtual culture, it contains a theoretical basis, which can be useful for future multi-disciplinary researches on this topic.
