About some of the results of the study on the financial support organization for the field forces on the territory of the lower Volga region in the period of the Patriotic war of 1812 and the World war II (the comparative analysis experience)

Vinogradov Sergey V.


The article dwells on the issue of the financial support organization for the field forces on the territory of the Lower Volga Region in the period of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the World War II. Among the most important directions for financial support mentioned in the article are the following: money collection campaigns for the new regiments organization, supply of provisions for the field forces, acquisition of the military equipment (chargers in 1812), voluntary donations in favor of the people suffered from the war and the wounded ones. The author defines the role of governmental institutions in the activity of organizing financial support. It is concluded that the different forms and methods of work, in spite of emerging difficulties, made it possible to organize the financial support for the field forces efficiently, to form fighting reserves and played an important role in the victories of our state in the Patriotic Wars.
