American frontier cultural heritage

Yakushenkova Oksana S.


The article is devoted to the American frontier. Under the frontier the author understands the particular temporal and local process of intensive cultural processes. In other words, under this term means cultural borderland, arising as a result of direct contact of two or more cultures. The article considers some issues of the cultural heritage of the American frontier. There is an analysis of the main folklore heroes such as James Boone, John Luther Casey, Paul Bunyan and Babe the blue ox, Davy Crockett and the most famous indian women Sacagawea, Pocahontas and Sarah Winnemucca. The paper considers the transformation of their images in the modern American mass culture, their influence on the cinema and literature of the XIX–XX centuries. Also in article we examine the use of their images for advertising in the contemporary life or Americans. In the end of the article we conclude that frontier topic continues to excite Americans, and it means that this problem is not exhausted itself.
