From Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, the Eurasian Economic Union and the single CIS innovation space

Sarsembekov Nazhen T.


The paper deals with innovation cooperation of CIS countries in connection with the operation of the Customs Union (CU) and the Common Economic Space (CES) of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. It is noted that in the modernization of the economies of post-Soviet states play an important part of the country, and TC SES (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan), occupying a leading position in science and technology, and able to transfer new knowledge to the integration groupings. Combining scientific and technical potential «Skolkovo» (CIS) and the Center for High Technology (EEC) creates the conditions for scientific and technical cooperation and innovative development not only for the TS and the EEA, but also the CIS as a whole. The strategic plan for the integration of all the unions: TS and the CES, the EurAsEC and the CIS – an innovative collaboration, the role of human capital in science and technology will be the driving factor in the integration of the former Soviet Union.
